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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Current Healthcare Event: Nurse Bullying

Essay Instructions:

In 2 paragraphs, explain what you have learned so far in this class and relate it to a current healthcare event. Such event can occur statewide or worldwide. Use 2 references with proper APA citations. Minimum word count is to be 250 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Current Health Event
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
I have learned that nurse bullying is a current issue affecting novice nurses in hospitals. Given the fact that I will be working as a nurse in the future, then I find it necessary to understand all the activities that go on in the hospital in order to be ready for such workplace. Novice nurse bullying occurs in the cases whereby the senior nurses allocate the new nurses to certain tasks that they are supposed to be performing under supervision (Castronovo, Pullizzi & Evans, 2016). They let the nurses perform the activities on their own, and this could have a negative impact on the health of the patient since most of the nurses are not aware of the correct procedures to follow while attending to a patient. A lot of practice is needed for them to be able to attend to a patient without the help of a senior nurse. The bullying kee...
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