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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Reflection of Your Practicum Experience Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

I have provided the following details:

- my practicum experience (at the bottom of the page)

- 3 sources to cite (if you cannot find the articles online, email me and I can provide you with the articles)

If you need clarification, email me, and I can provide it.


It is important for a public health professional to show evidence of professional development over time. The professional portfolio is one way to collect and showcase achievements and artifacts or evidence of accomplishments.

For this assignment, you will prepare a professional portfolio that includes the following:

Reflection of Your Practicum Experience 

In a 1,000-1,250 words, address the following:

  1. Summarize your practicum experience.
  2. Describe how you have applied theory and/or knowledge from your course work into practice during your practicum experience (provide specific examples).
  3. What are the most important things you have learned from this practicum experience and how will you apply them to your public health career? (the importance of public health in different environments)
  4. How has this experience helped develop professionalism skills, such as networking, team building, communication, and professional competencies in public health? What leadership qualities do you possess and how do you envision applying them to your public health career?
  5. Articulate a personal mission, a set of core values, and vision regarding your role in public health. How will your core values help guide your ethical decision making in public health?
  6. Include two or three scholarly sources to support your narrative.

Clark, M. T., Lewis, A., & Bradbury-Jones, C. (2016). Critical reflections on early career research development in public health nursing. Community Practitioner89(10), 36–39. Retrieved from https://lopes(dot)idm(dot)oclc(dot)org/login?url=https://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=122364147&site=eds-live&scope=site


ARCUS, K., GUNN, L., NELSON, K., & MCKINLAY, E. (2016). Public Health Nursing in a Non-Traditional Environment. Whitireia Nursing & Health Journal, (23), 45–53. Retrieved from https://lopes(dot)idm(dot)oclc(dot)org/login?url=https://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=121154374&site=eds-live&scope=site


Schofield, R., Chircop, A., Baker, C., Dietrich Leurer, M., Duncan, S., & Wotton, D. (2018). Entry-to-practice public health nursing competencies: A Delphi method and knowledge translation strategy. Nurse Education Today65, 102–107. https://doi-org(dot)lopes(dot)idm(dot)oclc(dot)org/10.1016/j.nedt.2018.03.001




My practicum experience:

For my practicum work I will have to plan, organize and manage a program as well as evaluate the end results. The health promotion campaign will be centered on keeping the mobile elderly (those that can walk or move around on their own with minimal assistance, i.e, a walker or a wheel chair) fit and active, as it is very commonplace to for them to be very sedentary. I would implore the expertise of the in-house rehab specialist to ensure that the exercises in the program are a best fit for the residents. In regards to the methods that the site applies to communicate health information, I can tell they use a lot of posters and flyers to communicate information to the public. I have been trying to think of other ways to commuincate information that would be best suited for my audience.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection of Your Practicum Experience
Reflection of Your Practicum Experience
My practicum experience thrust me into the deep waters or organizing and managing a program. This was new to me, so, I had a hard time settling in. The expectation was that I had to plan, organize, and manage a program while also evaluating the results to provide a final verdict on the same. This program was to be centered on the mobile elderly, which included those who can walk or move around on their own with minimal assistance even while in a wheelchair. It is common for this lot to be sedentary or inactive which negatively impacts their health. So, with this in mind, I had to develop a program and liaise with the in-house rehab specialist to help ensure that the program best fits the residents. One thing that became clearer while preparing this program was that I had to involve others. For this program to work, I had to sharpen my social skills and involve people like the in-house rehab specialists as well as some of the mobile elderly individuals. I had to find a way to come out of my comfort zone and face the issues at hand. While effecting the program, I realized that there are different methods the site applies to communicate health information. Two methods stood out, and these include posters and flyers which were believed to be the easiest ways to propagate health information. I thus decided to challenge myself to develop other ways to help communicate or disseminate health information. Some of the ways I thought of include the organization of health forums and campaigns which would target specific age groups and diseases. The goal of these forums would be to help communicate health information with the intention of making it as urgent as possible. To make the information urgent, the target audience has to be clearly defined and this had to be the first point of consideration.
Application of Theory of Knowledge
One of the theories that I applied during my practicum the health belief model (HBM). Jones et al. (2016) note that HBM “posits that people will take action to prevent illness if they regard themselves as susceptible to a condition (perceived susceptibility), if they believe it would have potentially serious consequences (perceived severity), if they believe that a particular course of action available to them would help reduce the susceptibility or severity or lead to other positive outcomes (perceived benefits), and if they perceive few negative attributes related to the health action (perceived barriers).” An elderly group is a sensitive group of people, so, I found myself going back to this particular theory as I tried to understand the reasons why many are often sedentary and choose to remain as such even though some knew to be sedentary made them susceptible to certain diseases. However, there are those who will take action because as indicated above they consider themselves susceptible to certain conditions. For example, while speaking to one senior man while conducting my research, I discovered that even though he does not like taking walks or engaging actively in everyday activities, he is forced to do so because he knows he is susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. An article by MedlinePlus (2018) notes that “congestive heart failure is also very common in older people. In people older than 75, congestive heart failure occurs ten times more often than in younger adults.” This confirms the fears of the senior man I was speaking to while also directly confirming the application of the health belief model in people’s normal daily lives.
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