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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Teams For Health Care Organizations And For Individual Team Members

Essay Instructions:

Team work

Describe the benefits of teams for both health care organizations and for individual team members. Discuss the characteristics of dysfunctional teams and potential methods for resolving the dysfunction. Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly sources.    

Leggat, S. G. (2007). Effective healthcare teams require effective team members: defining  teamwork competencies. BMC Health Services

Frates, J. (2014). Health care management: Theory in action . San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint  Education, Inc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Teamwork Name Institution Due Date Teamwork Describe the benefits of teams for both health care organizations and for individual team members. In every organization, there are tasks which have to be handled by teams. These call for teamwork and people having to humble themselves and fit within the team they are assigned. In a healthcare organization, for example, people are forced to take a step back and accommodate each other. No one can work and deliver at a higher level while working alone in a hospital. To get a team to work together is a challenge. However, teamwork does have its advantages to both the individual and the organization. These are as described below. To an individual, teamwork adds to the intangible values or what is commonly called intrinsic value. While taking part in a team, one feels like they are seen because their points and contributions get to be discussed and listened to. However, it is possible for a person to want to esteem themselves higher than others. So, as Frates (2014) says, it is “import...
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