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Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles

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Chamberlain University College of Nursing

NR443 Community Health Nursing

Term Month and Year

Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles

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Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles
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Chamberlain University College of Nursing
NR443 Community Health Nursing
Term Month and Year
Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles
One of the most interesting communities that I have ever come across is the one in Little Village, Chicago. This growing community which is mainly made up of Mexican-American households is not only well-integrated but also close. In this community, it is equally important to note that there are several nursing homes, which points to the growing need of nursing and care services to the population living in the neighborhood. In such communities, like many others, home health nursing plays an important role in ensuring that patients of all ages can access care comfortably from their homes as soon as they have the capability to be discharged. This role works extremely well in the Little Village neighborhood. As aforementioned, the presence of serval active nursing homes demonstrates the need for nursing care in this community, particularly among the elderly. In this sense, the presence of a working home health nursing program to help patients from the Mexican-American residents of Little Village spend more time with their families is bound to result in happier families.
Community Setting
In Little Village, the community is mainly made up of Mexican-Americans. Taking into consideration the values and cultures of Latino communities, family plays an integral role in the social life of community members. Because of this, having a working framework that supports home health nursing is bound to significantly improve the lives of patients in this community (Nies & McEwen, 2019). This is because it ensures that Mexican-American patients that are well enough to be discharged can spend more time with their families and only receive home health nursing care when they need to. At the same time, it helps mitigate the costs of healthcare as patients will not be admitted or committed to nursing homes. Some of the services offered under home health nursing programs include wound care, therapy, patient education, and even disease management. These services go a long way towards helping ensure patients in this community can enjoy spending time with their family while still receiving quality and dependable care from the comfort of their homes.
Such services go a long way towards making it easier for patients to receive care in a variety of environments (Nies & McEwen, 2019). In this way, care is not restricted to hospital facilities or costly admissions. Instead, patients that are well-enough to be discharged can receive the rest of their treatments from home. For instance, the provision of wound care services at home allows many patients with wounds to spend more time with their families while still enjoying the benefits of quality care as far as their wounds are concerned. This greatly enhances the level of comfort patients enjoy, and in doing so improves the recovery process for patients.
Health Promotion Nursing Intervention
Home health nursing plays an integral role in the provision of care. This is because it enables many patients of all ages to go through recovery while being constantly surrounded by friends, family, and a comfortable environment. This goes a long way towards ensuring that patients are in the right state of mind with regard to recovery (Hitt & Tambe, 2016). ...
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