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Life-Threatening Allergic Reaction

Essay Instructions:

➢ Write 3-pages paper that addresses the following 4 questions below

➢ Reference- use credible article from the website (.gov, .edu and peer-reviewed articles and etc). The articles should be 5 years old (2014-2019)

➢ Please make sure to write 3 pages (825 words)

Anaphylactic Shock (A severe/life-threatening allergic reaction)

Anaphylactic shock is an acute hypersensitive reaction to a sensitizing substance (allergen) causing respiratory distress. Life-threatening. Caused by drug, chemical, vaccine, food (esp. peanuts and shellfish), insect venom, blood transfusions, and anesthetic drugs. The goal of treatment: Maintain airway!

1. Identify the multisystem physiologic progression that occurs in anaphylactic shock

2. How to treat students who develop allergic reactions for the first time

3. Reflect on how age and gender impact the process of anaphylactic shock?

4. Consider the availability of epinephrine in schools.

Epinephrine is a hormone produced by the body. As a medication, it constricts blood vessels and dilates respiratory passages. It is used to relieve severe allergic reactions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Life-Threatening Allergic Reaction Name of Student Institution Affiliation Life-Threatening Allergic Reaction Introduction Some allergic reactions have the tendency to threaten the life of a person if immediate action is not taken. Anaphylactic Shock is a type of reaction that occurs within seconds of being exposed to the allergen. This reaction leads towards constriction in respiratory airways. Most common examples of allergen include peanuts, shellfish, bee stings, nuts, and latex. This essay is going to discuss several elements related to life-threatening allergic reaction including actions that should be taken if someone is exposed to allergens. Anaphylactic Shock is a medical emergency that must be handled with great efficacy; otherwise, it has the potential to lead towards loss of life. Discussion Multisystem Physiologic Progression In Anaphylactic Shock Anaphylactic shock, which is also termed as anaphylaxis can be unpredictable and can lead to severe traumatic situations. It is an acute multisystem condition that results from the instant release of basophil-derived mediators and mast cells out in the circulation (Mayo Clinic, 2019). The usual cause of anaphylactic shock is immunological reactions to different things including food etc. However, the reaction could also be stimulated through non-immunological mechanisms by any agent that has the capability of inducing a systemic degranulation of basophils and mast cells (Aaaai, 2019). The mechanism of Anaphylaxis is mediated by antibodies particularly those who belong to immunoglobulin E (IgE) class. These antibodies tend to recognize and bind to the antigen (Mayo Clinic, 2019). The antibodies of IgE also bind to specialized receptor molecules on basophils and mast cells. This binding induces the release of inflammatory chemicals from these cells including serotonin, leukotrienes, and histamine (Aaaai, 2019). These chemicals have several effects including smooth muscle constriction. This cause respiratory distress as the airways becomes constricted. These chemicals also dilate blood vessels that cause hives; furthermore, they also induce an increase in vascular permeability that results in swelling and hypotension (Mayo Clinic, 2019). This is the allergic reaction that occurs through different allergens. Treatment An allergy occurs when the defense system of the body overreacts to exposure to a certain thing and treats it as an invader and sending out chemicals for protection. However, in anaphylaxis, these chemicals cause constriction in the airways which result in loss of breathing (Mayo Clinic, 2019). Anaphylaxis is something that requires prompt medical attention. Sometimes, children are not aware of their allergies and found out about them in the worst way possible. It is quite common in schools where all kind of food is accessible to the students. If a student has an allergic reaction for the first time in school, then it is essential to inject the student with epinephrine and goes directly to the hospital emergency room right after that (Fleming, Clark, Camargo & Rudders, 2015). Epinephrine tends to reverse the symptoms as it dilates the airways which got constricted due to the allergic reactio...
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