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Article Critique: Implications for future practice in nursing

Essay Instructions:

Below is link for the article. Please see attatchment for instruction and grading rubric. Thank you http://www(dot)biomedcentral(dot)com/content/pdf/1471-2296-13-30.pdf


Article Critique Instructions

This assignment is an article critique of a current, peer-reviewed article relevant to professional nursing.  The article chosen must have appropriate length and content for this course.  The critique will be 1-2 pages, double spaced and written in APA format. The critique should include the following:

  • Clearly state the article
  • Implications for future practice in nursing
  • Implications for future research in nursing
  • Implication for ethical issues

If other sources are used they must be cited in APA format.

This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Article Critique
Course title:
Article critique
Stating the article
Failing to adhere to medication essentially reduces the success and efficacy of treatment thereby resulting in increased mortality as well as morbidity. In this peer-reviewed article, the researchers evaluated the efficacy of a consultation-based intervention to supporting objectively assessed observance to oral glucose lowering medication or OGLM in comparison to typical care amongst individuals who had type 2 diabetes (T2D). The researchers conducted a parallel group randomized trial in grown-up patients with T2D and HbA1c ≥ 7.5%, prescribed OGLM. The analysis was intention-to-treat. Results showed that mean percentage of adherent days was 69.0% in standard care group and 77.4% in the intervention group (Farmer et al., 2012). The authors concluded that the theoretically based intervention increased objectively measured observance to medication without unfavorable effect on satisfaction of treatment. The findings of the research give a good reason for a definitive trial of this particular approach to enhancing adherence to medication over a longer time frame, with cost-effectiveness and clinical results to informing clinical practice.
Implications for future practice in nursing
A reproducible and well specified consultation-based intervention that is delivered by clinic nurses in a single session within primary care should be applied in future nursing practice. This could increase objectively measured medication observance without adverse effect on the satisfaction of treatment. Applying this approach in future nursing practice could lessen the burden of disease in T2D managed by continuing medication. In this study, a single session, theory-based intervention that was delivered to adult patients with T2D by nurses in primary-care consultations was effectual in improving objectively measured GLM observance in relation to usual/standard care. In future nursing practice, the intervention ...
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