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Policy Paper: Management of the Nursing Shortage

Essay Instructions:

Please do not start writing my paper until I submit my conversation witha nursing professional with you guys. Thank You, I will submit it by Monday 4/9/2022.

Professional Meeting/Policy Paper

This paper is designed to introduce the nursing student to the professional role or a nursing policy issue. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to experience a Professional Nursing Meeting, Hospital Committee Meeting or visit and interview a local political leader/nursing leader to discuss a relevant topic that the professional nursing community is facing.

This is an excellent opportunity to address and perhaps explore a professional topic within the venue of a routine meeting, or an actual dialogue with a local politician or nursing leader.

Please make this a meaningful experience and bring back information we can all benefit from. The paper should provide a robust explanation of your topic and reflect an evaluation of the meeting.

Some items to consider addressing in the paper:

The purpose of the paper.

The meetings objectives

The audience’s engagement/participation.

The presentation or educational component/organizational component.

What did you learn from the meeting or conversation?

What is the follow-up or the final outcome or benefit?

Is there a need to continue to attend these meetings?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policy Paper: Nursing Shortage
Department, Institution Affiliation
Course Code; Course Name
Instructor's Name
Policy Paper: Nursing Shortage
The nursing shortage is a critical issue that heavily impacts the common society. It is a critical situation whereby there is a high demand for nursing professionals than the actual supply (Haddad et al., 2020). Therefore, it creates a critical nursing gap. The key effects of nursing shortage include low-quality care, nurse burnouts, and crisis pay (Abhicharttibutra et al., 2017). It is an issue that a well-established policy framework and adjustment can only address. The nursing shortage's major cause is changes in the demographics, including an increase in the aging population (Haryanto, 2019). Therefore, the available nurses cannot accommodate the available population. Besides, the surge in the retiring nurses is also a critical issue leading to a shortage (Spurlock, 2020). Therefore, there is a need to focus on strategic policy measures that can be considered to ensure the successful management of the nursing shortage.
The purpose of the paper is to establish key policy strategies that can address the issue of nursing shortage. Managing nursing shortage have minimally succeeded due increased aging rate and nurse retirement. Therefore, the paper approaches the issue from a factual point of view to identify the critical measures that can be taken to address the problem. Besides, it integrates primary evidence through an established meeting to address the problem. Therefore, the policy change is a significant way of offering a primary solution to nursing shortage.
Meeting Objectives
The key objective of the meeting was to engage a professional nurse and understand whether the hospital is taken any policy measures to address the problem of nursing shortage. Besides, it was also meant to understand the effects of the nursing shortage on patient wellbeing. The identified information is critical since it provides a better background for addressing the issue. Lastly, another objective was to understand the causes of the nursing shortage and its effects on bedside nurses. Therefore, it is justifiable that it would be easy to embrace a policy framework for addressing the nursing shortage to achieve the identified objectives.
Audience Engagement
Engaging the audience is necessary for a qualitative interview. Besides, the nurse agreed that the nursing shortage is a critical issue that can only be managed by focusing on better ideologies and policy frameworks. The professional nurse was positive on different strategies that the hospital has considered to reduce the issue, including monthly job affairs and partnering with the nursing schools to provide clinical sites for the nursing students. It is critical to improve the nursing experience and cover different nursing gaps. Therefore, audience engagement is a critical aspect that was adequately considered to ensure the professional nurse's successful information and data collection.
Educational Component
The educational component of the meeting is the need for policy change to address the adverse effects of the nursing shortage. According to Squires et al. (201...
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