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Planning a Process Evaluation Using Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies

Essay Instructions:

HLTH 6002 Assignment #2 Impact & Outcome Evaluation Purpose of this assignment: To familiarize students to planning a process evaluation using qualitative and quantitative methodologies. This assignment will also contribute to the final project. Instructions: In the “real world”, outcome and impact evaluation could take 30-50 pages to write up, including full description of the methods and data collection instruments. However, for the purposes of this assignment, you will be demonstrating your understanding of the concepts by providing a summary overview and examples of how you would design specific tools. To this end, you will be expected to select one quantitative and one qualitative method of data collection and how it applies to the program in question. The description of the data collection should cover who, what why, when, and how. It is not necessary to address how much it will cost at this time. Tips for Success: • Watch grammar and spell check. • Use the following suggested format for your submission o Title page – Program title, Impact & Outcome Evaluation, Name, Date o Program Description o Objective of Impact and Outcome Evaluation o Impact Methodology  Quantitative Methodology  Qualitative Methodology o Outcome Methodology  Quantitative Methodology  Qualitative Methodology • Assignment should be single-spaced, 12-point font and 1000 words or less. • Submit assignment as a Word document in Blackboard by submission deadline (refer to syllabus and Blackboard for due date). Points will be reduced for late submissions. Process Evaluation components description: • Brief description of program • Objective of outcome (short/intermediate) and impact (long-term) evaluation (in general terms) • Impact Methodology - Summary description of two proposed methodologies to complete impact evaluation o Quantitative method  Purpose (specific to your program)  Evaluation question(s)  Summary of proposed data collection method  5 illustrative items (e.g., key questions for survey, observation checklist, intercept survey questions, other)  Advantages and limitations o Qualitative method  Purpose (specific to your program)  Evaluation question(s)  Summary of proposed data collection method  5 illustrative items (questions from focus group discussion guide, key questions from interview guide, questions from survey, observation checklists, etc.).  Advantages and limitations • Outcome Methodology - Summary description of two proposed methodologies to complete outcome evaluation o Quantitative method  Purpose (specific to your program)  Evaluation question(s)  Summary of proposed data collection method  5 illustrative items (e.g., key questions for survey, observation checklist, other)  Advantages and limitations o Qualitative method  Purpose (specific to your program)  Evaluation question(s)  Summary of proposed data collection method  5 illustrative items (questions from focus group discussion guide, key questions from interview guide, questions from survey, observation checklists, etc.).  Advantages and limitations

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impact & Outcome Evaluation
Institutional Affiliate
Impact & Outcome Evaluation
Brief Description of Program
Mental Health America (MHA) is a program that started in 1909 as a reform movement seeking to address the needs of mental health patients in the United States (Mental Health Innovation, 2022). Founded by Clifford Beers, a victim of mental health problems, the reform movement evolved to become the country’s leading non-profit community-based organization that not only commits to meeting the needs of mental health patients but also promotes the overall wellbeing of Americans mental health (Mental Health Innovation, 2022). The program thrives on the belief that mental wellness is integral to the overall wellbeing of individuals and groups across the American society. Mental Health America strives to achieve full recovery for mental health patients through prevention, early identification, and treatment of mental health problems among patients across the social divide (Mental Health Innovation, 2022). The program embraces an integrated approach to achieve the said outcome through advancing and advocating policy recommendations towards meeting its mission, community outreach and education programs, and establishing information sharing and referral networks.
Overall Objectives of Impacts and Outcomes Evaluation
The overall objectives of the impacts and outcomes evaluation is to maintain its efficacy in promoting mental health wellness in the American community through its preventive, early identification and treatment measures in the short-term and improving mental health and wellbeing of the American society in the long-term.
Impact Methodology
* Quantitative Method
This methodology seeks to collect objective data on the efficacy of the preventative, early detection, and treatment interventions based on the intermediate effect they have on both the mental health patients and the mental health concern in the American community. Evaluation questions to aid in assessing the short-term effect of the program’s interventions on the wellbeing of the community’s mental health include: How would you rate the mental health public awareness campaign in your area? How often do you apply the program’s recommended policies to promote mental wellness in the community? The quantitative impact evaluation methodology will make use of a survey to collect data on the short-term effect of the program’s interventional measures on the wellbeing of the community’s mental health. Questionnaires will be issued to a selected sample representative of the whole community, which will include individuals with and without mental health problems. Since the evaluation seeks to highlight the short-term impact of the program’s intervention on the community’s mental health, questionnaires will be offered in three monthly intervals CITATION Cla19 \l 1033 (Clarke, 2019). The paper questionnaires will have a set of five questions as outlined below:
1 How would you rate the mental health public awareness campaign in your area?
* Excellent
* Good
* Average
* Below average
2 How often do you use the program’s policy recommendations to promote mental wellness in your community?
* Always
* Sometimes
* Once in a while
* Never
3 How effective are the program’s educational interventions in creating mental health awareness?
* Ineffective
* Very effective
* Effective
* Average
4 How well do the peer support groups attend to the needs of mental health patients?
* Adequately
* Poorly
* Barely
* Inadequately
5 How would you rate the program’s information sharing and referral networks?
* Good
* Average
* Below average
* Excellent
Advantages of using this method for impact evaluation includes generalizability of the data, ease of analysis, cost effectiveness, and generation of large amount of data CITATION Rah17 \l 1033 (Rahman, 2017). Its limitations include respondents’ unwillingness to answer the questions, and the tendency of ‘first choice selection’ leading to collection of inaccurate data CITATION Rah17 \l 1033 (Rahman, 2017).
* Qualitative Method
This methodology functions to collect subjective data on the short-term effectiveness of the program’s interventions on the overall wellbeing of the community’s mental health. Evaluation questions to help contribute to answering the overall impact objective include: What approach do the program’s affiliate groups use to develop and recommend policy reforms for improved mental health in the community? What role do the outreach programs play in promoting mental health? The qualitative impact evaluation method will make use of data collected through structured interviews of a selected sample of participants representing the community within which the program runs. Like in the quantitative methodology, the interviews will be conducted within the t...
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