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Planning Better Health For The Future

Essay Instructions:

As a healthcare professional, understanding where to locate evidence-based resources in order to help your patients benefit from that knowledge will be useful in your career. One such resource is The National Center for Health Statistics. The Center has established Healthy People 2020 for tracking the nation's health. In this assignment, you will begin from the topic you selected and propose a culturally competent, as defined by SAMHSA, community based health program.

Go to the Healthy People 2020 website and find the Topics & Objectives. Once you have located the 42 topic areas discussed on the website, choose a topic in which you are interested.

Write a 1,500-1,750-word paper in which you propose a community health program related to the topic you selected. Include the following in your proposal:

An overview of the program you are proposing. What is it? Who are the population(s) it will serve?

A rationale for the program.

A discussion of how the program will be established as and will remain culturally competent.

A discussion of how the program could be affected if budgetary restraints limited research in that field.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located on the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Planning Better Health For The Future
Food safety
Foodborne diseases are preventable, yet they claim over 3000 lives each year. They lead to over 128,000 hospitalizations around the country CITATION CDC181 \l 1033 (CDC, 2018). This is one of the underrated threats to public health, and it can escalate if the safety of the food consumed by the public is not controlled for quality from the farms to the tables. There ought to be a more elaborate system that ensures food safety from the farms, harvesting, processing, packing, distribution, transportation, and storage, to preparing it to be eaten if the afore-described figures are to be reduced. Ensuring that the public consumes safe food can help in reducing the foodborne related illnesses and reduce the cost of health care per individual and nationally. Foodborne illnesses pose greater risks to some groups of people, i.e. Children below four years and adults over 50 years. According to CDC, children below 4 years are four times likely to have laboratory-confirmed illnesses caused by foodborne pathogens and often they are fatal. Adults over 50 years are also at a greater risk because of their reduced immunity, and foodborne illnesses can even lead to death. For a healthy nation, foodborne diseases must be eliminated because they are preventable. It requires a multifaceted intervention scheme that can track food safety from the farm to the table. Food safety can involve an easy task such as washing hands thoroughly with soap and water. Most of the pathogens that lead to the above statistics are caused by infections that can be prevented by washing hands.
Handwashing promotion
Had washing promotion is a simple but effective strategy of preventing foodborne illnesses. According to CITATION CDC18 \l 1033 (CDC, 2018), hand washing promotion may reduce the incidence of diarrhea by about 30%. Diarrhea causes many deaths for children below age 5 due to poor awareness of the severity of the problem and ignorance. Promoting hand washing can help the public to be more sensitive when handling food and cutlery to ensure highest standards of hygiene. Hand washing after defecation, after cleaning a baby's bottom, and before preparing and eating food can reduce the risk of diarrhea CITATION Rab13 \l 1033 (Rabbi & Dey, 2013). This essay focuses on how to carry out nationwide campaigns on hand washing and have awareness of the importance of this simple yet effective practice of improving individual and national health status. The campaign is relevant to everyone though the message packaging and delivery method will be adapted for certain groups such as children and minority groups whose message might need to be translated to their mother tongues.
Why handwashing promotion
Hand washing is a simple but effective way of preventing foodborne diseases. The food may be farmed, harvested, processed, transported and it gets contaminated literally when in the hands of the consumer. Though many people understand the importance of washing hands, they do not do it correctly of ignore it altogether which exposes them to risk of contracting foodborne illnesses. Secondly, handwashing is an effective strategy is done in the right way and in the long term. Some campaigns end before the public has made it a habit to wash their hands whenever they use the washrooms and or preparing food. The goal of the promotion is to make handwashing to be an unconscious habit to everyone. Here below are some of the reasons why handwashing is important:
* Handwashing also helps prevent other infections that people contract by touching their mouths, eyes, noses often unconsciously. Thus, handwashing not only prevents diarrheal diseases but also other infections including eye infections and respiratory diseases.
* Germs can contaminate foods and drinks while they are being prepared and they can multiply under certain conditions to dangerous levels that are capable of causing illness.
* Germs from unwashed hands can be transmitted to other people through contact. I.e., handshakes, sharing of toys, serving food, etc.
If handwashing promotion is effective and more people wash their hands appropriately CITATION CDC18 \l 1033 (CDC, 2018);
* Fewer people will be sick from diarrhea. CDC estimates handwashing reduces the number of people who get sick with diarrhea by 23-40%.
* Reduces respiratory diseases like colds by 16-21 %
* Reduces school-going children absenteeism by 29-57 %
* Reduces the likelihood of diarrhea to peop...
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