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Difficult Healthcare Decisions Chose To Agree With Hannah

Essay Instructions:

Be careful and take notes as you can only take the quiz once!!!

Open learn. (2017). Difficult healthcare decisions: What will you choose? http://www(dot)open(dot)edu/openlearn/medical-ethics-quiz

For each question you can select one of two responses. Once you submit your answer to the question you will be provided with a brief summary and a percentage of individuals who agreed with your response.

1) For each question provide a brief description of the case, your response, and the percentage of individuals who agreed with you.

2) Explain the rationale for your response and identify the ethical principle, theories, and/or issues the case presented. Support your rationale with scholarly references.

Please use references that can be accessed online or on online libraries. Please include an introduction and a conclusion as customary in an assay. Thanks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cases on Medical Ethics
Your name
Subject and Section
November 5, 2018
1 Casse: Hannah Jones is an 8-year old girl that needs a heart transplant. She already underwent chemotherapy at the age of five that weakened her heart. She was told that a medication is needed in order for her body to accept the new heart. However, there is a risk for her leukemia to return due to the medication. While she and her mother have chosen not to go with the hearth transplant, the Child protection team at the hospital have chosen otherwise and filed a case to the high court.
1 Decision: Chose to agree with Hannah
2 Percentage: 50%
3 Reason: In this country, the allowable age for decision making regarding medical treatment is 14-17 years old. However, since Hannah’s mother has agreed with her own decision, then it follows that there is ‘consent’ in the part of the patient. Aside from this, another reason why letting Hannah and her parents do the decision-making is because of the high-risk associated with non-adherence. Even if the high court were to agree with the decision of the Child Protection Services and have Hannah undergo with heart transplant, she could then neglect her need to take the “immunosuppressive medications”. As according to In order to be successful, “transplantation requires the teenager to follow a complex medication regimen which includes multiple immunosuppressive agents that must be taken on a prescribed schedule to prevent rejection” CITATION Lan12 \l 1033 (Lantos & Warady, 2012). Therefore, if Hannah rejects this idea, then it would only increase the risks of any fatal complications.
2 Case: A couple from Berkshire would want to have their own kids, and have been trying to more than three years. Their local NHS Trust have refused to pay for their In-vitro fertilization since the woman (37 years old) is not within the accepted age for such treatment (30-34 years old). The couple has sued the local providers since National Guidelines say the procedure could cater up to 39 years old. It says, however, that the local providers could provide restrictions in the allotment
4 Decision: The demands of the Couple
5 Percentage: 50%
6 Reason: It is clear in this case that woman is capable of conceiving and bearing a child through the use of In-vitro fertilization. The reason why the couple should be granted the funds for such procedure is two-fold. On the one hand, studies state that IVF could work effectively from women for ages 40 and below. In fact, some of the recent advancements have also increased the effectivity of these procedures for people who are 40 years old and above CITATION Gle16 \l 1033 (Gleicher, Kushnir, Albertini, & Barad, 2016). On the other hand, some recommendations from other health institutions have stated that NHS should limit, if not stop, their rationing of such treatments. A system which people believes is tantamount to “denying the patients’ care” CITATION Cam15 \l 1033 (Campbell, 2015).
3 Case: A 28 year old woman attempted to register as a new patient. Staff found th...
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