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Leading Causes Of Death National Regional And State

Essay Instructions:

Go to http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/injury/wisqars/leading_causes_death.html and select "Leading Causes of Death 1999 to 2016 (ICD-10), National Regional and State (Restricted)."

For report option, select your state (Florida)

Scroll down to "Advanced Options" and select "Top 5" as the number of causes. Look at the column on the right, labeled all deaths to find the top 5 causes of deaths.

Repeat those steps but select Race, Sex, and specific Age groups on the report options to see how/if the leading causes of death vary among differing demographic groups.

1) In an essay, please answer the following: What was the state you picked?

2) What are the 5 leading causes of death for your state. How do they compare with the 5 leading causes of death for the US?

3) Describe how/if the leading causes of death vary based on different demographic variables such as race, sex and age. Be specific about which variable you looked at.

4) Based on the findings of your state, what 3 determinants of health would you choose as priorities for health promotion programs? Would you focus your efforts on any specific ones?

5) Please explain how those 3 determinants of health affect people's behaviors in ways that promote well-being. How do they affect people's behaviors in ways that hinder well-being? Give examples and support your statements with references.

Please use resources that can be accessed online or through online libraries. Please use an introduction and a conclusion as it is custommary with essays. Thanks

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Leading Causes of Death in Florida
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Leading Causes of Death in Florida
1 In an essay, please answer the following: what was the state you picked?
The State that is selected for this project is Florida and the data collected from concerning the leading causes of death are compared to the information for the whole country. Moreover, the information regarding age, race and sex will also be gathered to help in analyzing how variations in population are affected State-wise and nationally.
2 Five leading causes of death in the state of Florida and how they compare with five leading cause in the united states of America
Cancer is the primary cause of death in the state of Florida. For instance, in 2016 about 147 deaths resulted from cancer. Countrywide the average of deaths resulting from cancer was approximately 156. Therefore, it shows that the deaths resulting from this condition in the State of Florida is below the US average. The second cause of death in this state is heart disease. Florida ranked 38th in 2016 having deaths of approximately 146 persons compared to the national death that averaged 166 ("WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports", 2018). Hence, the state is doing fine when one compares the number of deaths caused by heart disease with the countrywide rate. Another leading cause of death in Florida is accidents where the rate of deaths resulting from the cause is above the national average. For instance, the state was ranked 19th in 2016 and the number of deaths was above the US average. About 55 deaths were realized in the state from the accidents as compared to the national average of 47 persons. Chronic lower respiratory diseases are also among the top five causes of death in the state of Florida having about 38 casualties in 2016 compared to the nationwide average of about 41 deaths. Therefore, it is close to the countrywide average of the deaths caused by the condition. The fifth cause of death in this State stroke, which claimed the lives of about 37 persons in Florida. Moreover, the national average of deaths resulting from the condition is also 37 and this means the Florida matches the US average concerning stroke as a leading cause of death ("WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports", 2018).
3 How the leading causes of death vary based on Race and Gender
The variable that is looked at in this study is race and how it affects the number of deaths in the state of Florida concerning the leading cause of deaths. It is apparent the African Americans are the most affe...
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