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Human Services Four Main Goals: Healthy People Initiative

Essay Instructions:

Please view the following video https://vimeopro(dot)com/aptrmodules/phlm/video/75910069 and answer these questions

1) What are the "interagency workgroups" to which the speaker refers, and what is their role?

2) Where can one go to find a complete overview of each Healthy People 2020 objective?

3) What type of information on leading health indicators is provided by the National Center for Health Statistics?

4) How is progress toward Healthy People 2020 targets measured?

Please provide references that can be accessed online or through online library sources. Please include an introduction and a conclusion as customary with essays. Thanks

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Healthy People Initiative
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Healthy People Initiative
Healthy People 2020 initiative is a decade-long vision launched by the department of health and human services with four main goals. First, improve life quality and ensure a long life to the people. Secondly, eliminate disparities in healthcare and achieve health equity. Thirdly, the creation of physical and social environments that promote good health and finally improve the quality of life for all people across all life stages CITATION CDC15 \l 1033 (CDC/NCHS, 2015). To achieve these goals, the department has coined several programs which are continually appraised using data for objectivity and conformity to the overarching goals of the initiative. The initiative has invested in disseminating knowledge on its processes and goals and this essay details some elements based on a video regarding the Healthy People 2020 initiative.
What are the ‘interagency workgroups’ to which the speaker refers, and what is their role?
There are the specialized teams with various distinctive objectives in line with the Healthy People 2020, and they collaborate with NCHS and ODPHP to work towards the envisioned goals and objectives of Healthy People 2020 program. Interagency workgroups are teams that are drawn from the diverse workgroups of its member states and harmonize the efforts of the member agencies.
Interagency workgroups are coordinate the data and information flow between the agencies and help synergize their efforts in their respective capacities to achieve the vision. The agencies should work as a single unit for efficacy and efficiency and thus need an official framework that coordinates the activities of the several member agencies. The coordinator of the several agencies is the interagency workgroup.
Additionally, if unchecked, the agencies can probably provide redundant services, and other services could be left unattended. The interagency workgroup helps assign roles and facilitate information and data flow from one agency to the other for action hence maximizing the utility of the resources. If any agency has the information required for further action and or is input to another agency, the interagency workgroup helps coordinate these deliverables such that all the agencies operate optimally without unnecessary structural delays amongst themselves.
Where can one go to find a complete overview of each Healthy People 2020 objective?
There are two resource-rich websites which have a lot of information on the Healthy People 2020. First, it is the Under this URL, the entire website has information on the program, and it is organized into many web pages each featuring and detailing different information. The website is continually updated. Secondly, /NCHS/healthy_people/hp2020.htm also details information on the Healthy People 2020 program. Unlike the earlier website, the information here is organized under the CDC website. It is under cd website URL then details of the...
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