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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Organ Transplants. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

There are many patients on organ transplant waiting lists who are dying because of inadequate numbers of vital organs available for transplant.

There are suggestions for the United States to develop an "opt-out" donation program. This would mean all deaths could, if appropriate, be a potential organ donor unless the individual had specifically rejected to be a donor.

What is YOUR opinion?

1. In order to obtain enough organs to be transplanted into needy patients, should laws be passed which allow organs to be obtained from persons who have died without prior permission of the patient or family?

2. Do you believe an opt-out option is a good idea? What are potential the ethical concerns?

Just need answer the questions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organ Transplants
Student’s Name
There are many patients in both public and private hospitals who are dying because of inadequate numbers of vital organs available for transplant. In the United States there is a suggestion to develop an opt-out program. If this program succeeds the rates of mortality could reduce. In order to obtain enough organs to be transplanted into needy patients, I do not agree that laws should be passed that allows organs to be obtained from persons who have died without prior permission of the patient or family ( Caplan, McCartney, & Reid, 2015). Medical practitioners should be respect human rights and have a high regard for the spirituality concerns of the patients. As much as adequate organs are needed it is important to consult the family members. We live in a democratic society where all human beings have the righ...
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