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CHFD 350 Philosophy Statement. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Your response must be a minimum of 500

words and be supported by 2 APA formatted references with corresponding

citations. Please see the grading below.

Building a working philosophy statement of family life

education. (Note: this assignment is taken from the Required Reading

listed below.)

Follow the guidelines below and design your own working philosophy of

family life education. Address the questions in your discussion. (Duncan,

S. F., & Goddard, H. W. 2011 p. 24)

• What are my beliefs about the family and the nature and quality of

family life and the human experience?

• What is a "family"? How important are families? What values do I hold

regarding families and the human experience? What does it mean to be


• What are my beliefs about the purpose of FLE?

• What is the nature of FLE? What value does FLE have in communities? Is

it to provide insight, skills, and knowledge? Is it tochange behavior? How

"interventionist" should FLE be?

• What are my beliefs about the content of FLE?

• Of what value is university-based theory and research to families? Of

what value is the lived experience of individuals, families, and

communities, and how can it become part of the content of FLE? How do

my personal values regarding families and the human experience infl

uence the content I select?

• What are my beliefs about the process of learning for families in outreach


• How do individuals and families learn most effectively? What teaching

strategies have the greatest impact? How important are learning goals and

evaluation in these processes? What assumptions do I hold about learners?

Duncan, S. F., & Goddard, H. W. (2011). Family Life Education : Principles

and Practices for Effective Outreach. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.

p. 24

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Child Philosophy Statement
Institutional Affiliation:
Child Philosophy Statement
Belief about Family
A family is the basic social unit arising from a couple, or more couples (husband and wife), who agree to stay together for marital gains. Children are fruits gained from the union of the two. Two types of families, nuclear, and extended families. Nuclear has a husband, wife, and children. The extended family includes relatives of the couple. Each family defined its life, and work to arrive at it, depending on its abilities. However, I believe in certain parameters defining the nature and quality of a family. The nature of a family stem from several social and religious viewpoints, varying from one region to another. For me, nature is a union perfected by the achievement of the goals of each family member. The individuals merge their goals, then work towards achieving them. The quality of family life is pegged on the ability of the family to sustain their living, be at harmony, tolerate one another, be perfect emulation for others, and inspire a vast population in meeting similar goals. This quality of family remains open-ended as couples have vast aspirations, and several factors are subject to dictates of their environment of stay.
Families are important to everybody, as basic units from which we draw our social lives. People love, care, learn, share happiness and grieve together in families. With these come certain values, to be met by the family members. Personally, some values include being faithful to one’s family (and partner), working together to achieve family goals, providing protection and emotional support for one another, while working on individual growth. These are the essential values a family should strive to meet, however different the priorities are. With these beliefs, one has to be human. Being human has several facets, like the ability to think, talk, work, be emotional, and recognize the existence of people in their environment. These will shape how they behave in their families and homes, and according to what society universally prescribes.
Family Life Education
Family life education is the out-of-class study and training offered to parents, couples, and children. It is not attached to the normal class-study timetable, but dependent on the audience receiving the training (Duncan & Goddard, 2011). I have specific beliefs about FLE, the primary one being to help family members that families face in meeting their ultimate goals in a family. The goal is to stay in harmony, overcome individual challenges, and work with utmost resilience. FLE explains concepts with re...
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