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Nursing's Role in Promoting Quality and Safety Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Module 5: Discussion: Nursing's Role in Promoting Quality and Safety -


Guiding resources:

Good, V. S., & Phillips, L. (2020). Patient safety. In E. E. Friberg (Ed.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (7th ed., pp. 327−336). Elsevier.

The Joint Commission’s (TJC’s) National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) categories listed on the following webpage: https://www(dot)jointcommission(dot)org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx (Links to an external site.)

Interprofessional Education Collaborative. (2016). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: 2016

Discussion: Nursing’s Role in Promoting Quality and Safety Directions


This assignment addresses Program Completion Outcome: 4, Course Learning Outcome: 5 & Baccalaureate Essentials: 2, 6 & 8.

Assignment Objectives:

Identify the influence of national healthcare initiatives on patient safety and healthcare improvement and how communication affects the implementation of these initiatives in the workplace. (Overall Objective)

Identify why nurses should be concerned about patient safety.

Identify The Joint Commission (TJC) as a national safety organization.

Choose a National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) number and description.

Choose specific fact(s), data, or sentinel event(s) that support that the chosen NPSG is an important patient safety issue.

Identify how Just Culture’s stance on errors or near mistakes can promote patent safety.

Describe how using 1 communication method can improve interprofessional collaboration and patient outcomes.

Read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity.

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for students to understand the influence of national healthcare initiatives on patient safety and healthcare improvement and how communication affects the implementation of these initiatives in the workplace, interprofessional collaboration, and patients outcomes. Despite several years of focusing on ways to minimize mistakes in healthcare and to reduce adverse patient outcomes, health organizations continue to struggle to create error-free healthcare delivery systems (Good & Phillips, 2020).

Please note: This citation is the correct parenthetical citation for Chapter 20. Add a page number if giving a direct quote – “xxx xxxx xxxx” (Good & Phillips, 2020, p. x). Please use pp. xx—xx if the quote is on two or more pages in the source.


Good, V. S., & Phillips, L. (2020). Patient safety. In E. E. Friberg (Ed.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (7th ed., pp. 327−336). Elsevier.

Please note: This example is the correct APA reference for Chapter 20.

Assignment Directions

Step 1 - Prepare to Write the Initial Post:

A. Read Chapter 20, by Good and Phillips, of the Friberg text.

B. Review faculty feedback from APA assignment earlier in the course.

C. Review The Joint Commission’s (TJC’s) National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) categories listed on the following webpage:

https://www(dot)jointcommission(dot)org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx (Links to an external site.)

Please explain all abbreviations in your posts as given above.

Click on a category link of interest to you to find a specific NPSG.##.##.## for your post. You must name the NPSG number that includes the periods.

Please note the title of the pdf chapter or webpage, the URL, and the copyright year after you have clicked the category link and found the pdf file listing the Goals and NPSGs. If you do not see a copyright year on the pdf or webpage, use n.d. without any extra spacing between the initials. The Joint Commission (TJC) will be the author and publisher. The full work is the YEAR National Patient Safety Goals. Be sure to note the pdf’s page on which your selected NPSG was printed or the paragraph if you chose the NPSG from a webpage. These items will be needed for your chapter or webpage citation and reference.

a. For example, if you clicked the “Hospital” link and then the “Download Chapter” link in the given year, you would find the following chapter pdf:

The Joint Commission. (Year). National patient safety goals effective Month Year for the hospital program. Year National patient safety goals. https://etc (URL for pdf file)

Please note the chapter title is lowercase and not italicized. If there is a secondary title, add it after a colon. Example: Xxx xxx xxx: Xxxx xxx. The full work title follows and is lowercase and italicized. No publisher is given, because it is the author.

You may choose a different category other than the hospital, if desired.

If you chose a webpage rather than the pdf, the title would be lowercase and italicized. You would add the URL.

Governmental Agency or Author, X. X. (Year, Month, Day). Name of webpage. http or https://xxxxxxxxxx

If you explained the TJC abbreviation earlier in the post, the first citation would be (TJC, Year, p. 1) for direct quotes.

The first citation would be (The Joint Commission [TJC], Year, p. 1) if the abbreviation had not been explained earlier in the post, and the subsequent citations would be (TJC, Year, p. 1) for direct quotes. Only use the abbreviation if you will use it at least 3 times.

b. On the first page of this pdf you will see the number and description of a specific National Patient Safety Goal:

“NPSG.01.01.01–Use at least two patient identifiers when providing care, treatment, and services” (TJC, Year, p. 1).

Please note that you must place the NPSG number that includes periods and the description within quotation marks and cite.

D. Select The Joint Commission (TJC) and one (1) National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) for your initial post. For the purposes of this discussion, you need to write about a one (1) specific NPSG.##.##.## .

For example:

National Healthcare Organization - The Joint Commission

Patient Safety Initiative – Specific National Patient Safety Goal

“NPSG.01.01.01–Use at least two patient identifiers when providing care, treatment, and services” (TJC, Year, p. 1).

Do not place this information in the post as a list, rather include this information in a sentence in your post.

Step 2 – Review the attached grading rubric.

Place this rubric next to you and follow it carefully to earn all possible points.

Step 3 – Review the APA 7th Edition Latest Handout, Helpful Web Links for the APA 7th Edition, and 7th Edition PowerPoints under Links & Tools.

Step 4 – Initial Post

Canvas will automatically take you to the correct group when you click "Reply" for all discussions in this course.

Reply to the discussion prompts. Please use the subject line to identify yourself, and title your thread: "LAST NAME – INITIAL POST" (example: Smith - Initial Post).

Do not use any quote longer than 40 words.

First paragraph

Identify why nurses should be concerned about patient safety.

Second paragraph

Identify the number and description of the chosen NPSG from TJC. Attempt to cite direct quote with quotation marks, author(s), year, and a page number for an article or book (or paragraph number for a webpage). Include matching reference.

Explain how a statistical fact or sentinel event from TJC's webpage, another organization’s webpage, or from an article supports that this chosen NPSG is an important patient safety issue. Attempt to cite direct quote with quotation marks, author(s), year, and a page number for an article or book (or paragraph number for a webpage). Include matching reference.

Citation examples include the following:

TJC (Year) noted that “85% of surgical infections could be avoided by . . . xxx xxx” (p. x).

In 2017, “95% of urinary catheter placement resulted in . . . x x x “ (Smith & Jones, 2019, p. x).

A case study by Smith and Jones (2019) noted that “xxxx xxxx” (p. x).

Third paragraph

Describe how Just Culture’s stance on errors or near mistakes can promote patient safety (Good & Phillips, 2020, pp. 327‒336). Attempt to cite direct quote with quotation marks, author(s), year, and a page number for a book. Include matching reference.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing's Role in Promoting Quality and Safety
Student’s Name
Nursing's Role in Promoting Quality and Safety
Nurses are concerned about patient safety because it defines what they do. The nursing code of ethics mandates them to provide safe, competent, and ethical care. Whenever and wherever nurses are working, patient safety is an important aspect that must be considered. Nursing care is essential in guaranteeing faster patient recovery and restoring confidence in the healthcare system (Canadian Nurses Association and University of Toronto Faculty of Nursing, 2004).
The goals considered for this discussion is "NPSG.03.04.01 Label all medications, medication containers, and other solutions on and off the sterile field in perioperative and other procedural settings" (The Joint Commission [TJC], 2020, p. 2). Preventing medical errors is an essential part of enhancing safety. Reporting for the CNBC, Sipherd (2018) noted that "medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer" (Key Points). This confirms the need to label all medications, medication containers, and other solutions used during ...
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