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Article Critique #1: Quantitative Review Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Article Critique #1: Quantitative Review

Write a brief overview of the assigned article by Eggenberger. This overview will provide descriptions of the essential elements of the study design. write a critique of the study using guidelines for Quantitative review provided (Part 1 & Part 3). APA format, 3 pages not including title/references.

Articles: https://drive(dot)google(dot)com/open?id=1qy8UrZb3SiH2YaOINOm8b-fZtjZvq16a&authuser=0



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Article Critique #1: Quantitative Review
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Article Critique #1: Quantitative Review
Eggenberger, Keller, Chase, and Payne (2012) utilized a quantitative approach to evaluate nursing simulation care. Several elements influence the robustness of quantitative research. As outlined by Coughian, Cronin, and Ryan (2007), the purpose of the study must be presented in the introduction. The problem usually defines or states what the investigation is focusing on. This is important because it sets the tone of the study. It establishes the research questions and prepares the researcher to focus on those aspects. In the study by Eggenberge et al. (2012), we can see that their purpose is introduced earlier in the paper. They start by giving a background of nursing simulation, highlighting the key developments over the years. As we can see, their article aimed to report “on a research study designed to evaluate the use of qunatitative instrument to measure caring in the nursing simulation environment” (Eggenberger et al., 2012, p. 406).
Another aspect that we can see being demonstrated in the article is logical consistency and literature review. I see these two aspects are related because they warrant whether the results can be applied for the intended purpose. In this regard, the literature review was conducted through background research in the introduction. This provided a strong premise for the study. Another aspect was the logical consistency of the research. As we can see from the way the analysis was conducted, there was a clear link to the study's different steps (Coates, 2011).
By reading through each section, you can see how each paragraph builds upon the other to form a consistent study and conclusion. This is also enhanced by the use of literature to b...
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