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Body Building as a Sport

Essay Instructions:

The information covered in this week's lecture and reading assignments will help you with the following assignment. Your answers should be concise, complete, and typed in a Microsoft Word document. When you are finished, upload the Word document to be graded using the dropbox below.

This week's assignment:

Outline a nutrition and supplementation strategy to support a bodybuilder during the foundational training cycle, the bulking/hypertrophy cycle, and the cutting cycle. Describe how the strategy would need to be altered to meet the needs of the athlete during each training cycle.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Body Building
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Body Building
Bodybuilding is a sport that is judged based on one’s physical appearance. As such, body builders aspire to maintain a muscular physique. Like training, food is an essential part of bodybuilding. Eating the right type of food in the appropriate amount provides one’s muscles with the nutrients they need to recover from intense workouts and generally helps one to grow bigger and stronger. The essay purposes to outline a nutrition and supplementation strategy to support a body builder during the foundational training, bulking and cutting cycle.
Foundational training is a combination of body-weight exercises, which activates one’s posterior muscle chain, decompresses the spine and anchors the hips. During this stage, one should do the following nutrients: First and foremost, he should take an adequate amount of carbohydrates. It is important to eat low-glycemic carbohydrates. A low GI ensures the blood glucose levels remain stable. Carbohydrates like rice, oatmeal and recommended for the body builder and should make up 50% of the body builder’s diet (Hovius, 2010). Vegetables also serve as a plentiful nutrient source. Secondly, the body builder should make sure he takes 50 grams of fiber. He can do this by taking berries, nuts and seeds. Thirdly, proteins are the body’s most important structural materials and are essential to the body building sport. Eggs, chicken breast and red meats are recommended if the finances permit the body builder. However, quality protein powder supplements work well and are economically affordable. Fourthly, the diet should also include vitamins. They are needed to control metabolic processes. Vitamins are mostly found in proteins. In this case, the athlete will use Vitamin B 15 which regulates steroid hormones. Fifthly, the body builder will include dairy milk in his dietary plan in order to have a source of calcium. Inadequate minerals in the body can be disastro...
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