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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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MS Word
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Personal Philosophy Of Nursing, Personal Values, Principles

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Personal Philosophy of Nursing
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Personal Philosophy of Nursing
A personal nursing philosophy is the end product involving personal values, principles, and beliefs in our work practice. The philosophy should be used as a basis for nursing to involve growth and development in the nursing line of work. The journal “Developing a philosophy of nursing: A first step to becoming a professional” expounds on how one can come with their philosophy of nursing (Alpers, Jarrell, & Wotring, 2013). As an upcoming nurse, the journal has guided me in creating a philosophy that incorporates the four metaparadigms concepts. My nursing philosophy has been created by holistic, empathetic and sensitive caregiving an approach to my patients in how I offer care and other services to them. Philosophies require critical and comprehensive thinking to conduct their work, and a nurse needs these qualities with the different patient encounters to be a guide in handling the patients. The four metaparadigms concepts of nursing, health, personality, and environment have been key guidelines in my philosophy of nursing.
First, nursing is the process of using a holistic approach to providing patients with therapeutic care. The nursing concept states that care provided to the people should be holistic; nursing should not dwell on the specific illness, but rather considers the holistic approach of the patient to offer high-quality care for them. Nursing is a science and art, the act of providing care and passing information skillfully is the part of it that is a unique art, for example, family-centered care. The science of nursing is apparent and has been researched into ways the care should be provided and the need to understand how to handle the new equipment and machines used for diagnosing. Nursing ethics play an...
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