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Health belief model theory- integration into nursing practice

Essay Instructions:

Here are the instructions for the Theory Integration paper:

This paper is intended to illustrate the use of theory in practice. Your paper should be approximately 3 pages, with an absolute maximum of 4 pages.

This paper is worth 30% of your course grade so treat it as such. Parsimony is expected, yet the depth of your commentary is critically important. This is not an easy task. Please spend ample time in the development of this paper.

Your paper should include:

1. A brief introduction to the paper (introduce your paper to your reader).

2. Describe a case from your personal experience. The case may be clinical, leadership, teaching or another applicable real-life scenario. Do not include names or identifying information. Personal experience - prefer real life patient scenario based on patient with diabetes

3. Briefly describe a model that fits your case. - selected model is health belief model

4. Discuss the concepts from the model and how they integrate into the case (diabetes patient scenario) as it unfolds. Describe the relationships among the model concepts.

5. Briefly summarize the paper with attention to the applicability of the model to nursing practice.

6. References - preferrably from scholarly journal articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Belief Model
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In this paper, I will first talk about the negative effects of smoking on the body, and then apply the Health Belief Model to a scenario.
A Case from Personal Experience
I live in Greenwich Village, which is present on the west side of Lower Manhattan, New York City. Here in my colony, both teenagers and adults love smoking even though they know about its health consequences. Even in my neighborhood, there is a young man who shifted here the previous year; he and his wife are friendly, and we love spending time together. Once his wife told me that she has been trying to keep her husband from smoking, but he does not listen to her in this regard.
The previous week, I called them to my house for a get-together and found that the man was smoking once or twice an hour, which was a matter of serious concern as he had developed depression, and his lungs could have been damaged if he did not quit on smoking. I sat with him and explained that no matter how you smoke it, tobacco is not good for your health. As is described by John Chapin and Grace Coleman in their article titled Health Belief Model Scale, from tar and acetone to carbon monoxide, and nicotine, the substances of tobacco not only affect the lungs but also cause problems for the entire body (Chapin & Coleman, 2014).
I was shocked to see that the man already knew all this, but still, he was not ready to quit on this bad habit. He told me that his wife once bought him a magazine on the side effects of smoking, and he had read it carefully, but the fact is, according to him, it is not possible to quit on smoking since it has become an integral part of his life. He could live without food, but not without tobacco.
The Health Belief Model
The health belief model uses a variety of psychological indicators to predict the health behavior or condition of an individual. This model was developed in 1950 by psychologists and socialists of the U.S. Public Health Service. According to this model, people’s beliefs about health issues are different from one another (Lavranos & Vassou, 2016). Some of them may believe in the effectiveness of psychotherapy, while the others will not as they do not want to quit their bad habits or are not interested in changing their lifestyles...
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