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People and Social Institutions in the U.S will Embrace and Accept Other Cultures in 2042

Essay Instructions:

Please consider the following statement: "As the US becomes more racially and ethnically diverse, we will become a more culturally pluralistic society. By the year 2042, the majority of people and social institutions in the US will embrace and accept other cultures. "
Please write an essay that supports or opposes the statement above.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Race and Culture Diversity
Racism and discrimination by one’s culture have been a serious problem in the United States of America. For many years individuals who were not white and lived in the country felt inferior because they would receive harsh treatment from the white people because they have always considered themselves superior. For example, it was reported that the number of whites in the US jails is very low. However, men of other races for instance the African and the Asians make up the largest number of individuals in those jails despite the fact that the whites commit crimes at the same rate as other races. White police officers found in the US believe that their race is the best and if one belongs to any other race their culture is inferior and they are definitely not morally upright and that is why incarceration of people of other races in the country is high as compared to the incarceration of the whites.
Nonetheless, if the country becomes more racially and culturally diverse the problems of racial and culture discrimination could be solved, and the country would become a more pluralistic society where there exists mutual respect among people even if they belong to a different race or culture. The above measure will be of great importance in that by the year 2042 most of the individuals and social institutions in the US will embrace and accept other cultures. For instance, if schools in the US embrace and accept students who belong to different cultures a pluralistic society will be created. A pluralistic society will be creat...
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