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Health Education Curriculum Proposal on Sun Exposure Tanning

Essay Instructions:

write a 2-4 page proposal, including the following: 
 Problem statement and justification for topic inclusion 
 Summaries of current literature/research (2 current journal articles and 1 website 
 Comment on Ed Code, – whether or not necessary and/or appropriate. 
 Incorporate guidelines from CDE Health Ed Content Standards (2009) or the Health 
Framework for California Pubic Schools, in justifying subject matter and grade level 
 Briefly discuss two relevant learning theories that apply. 
 Apply Neuman's Systems Model as it relates to health education. 
 Discuss process for implementation (steps taken to incorporate curriculum, i.e., 
approval from whom, grade level, course, how, where, when it will be taught, 
teacher/SN to whom curriculum will be given to incorporate into current curriculum.) 
 Include reference sources and teaching materials such as handouts.  
What to include in the Teaching Plan Outline: 
 Topic 
 Main Goal/Objective of Lesson 
 Behavioral Objectives for Learners (use measurable action verbs!) 
 Teaching Methods (lesson activities) 
 Evidence of learner readiness and why they need this information 
 Setting/room arrangement 
 Materials (visual aids, A-V, handouts, etc.) 
 Content outline including introduction, body, and summary

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Date of submission
Health Education Curriculum Proposal on sun exposure/ Tanning
Problem Statement
Over exposure to the UV radiation causes tanning, pain sunburn, blisters on the skin which may result in skin cancer. For example, in the USA alone, both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are common affecting more than 1 million (World Health Organization, 2003). At the year 2000, about 53,600 people were diagnosed with melanoma with a death estimate of 9,600 happening on annual basis from skin cancer while 7,400 deaths were registered as a result of melanoma (Whiteman, Whiteman & Green, 2001). Even though many people are aware of the health concerns in relation to too many exposures to the UV, many people especially children are still at higher risks to melanoma and other skin cancer later in life. In order to ensure a reduction of sun exposure and tanning, the schooling system where children spend most of the time should have health education curriculum that addresses issues of UV radiation exposure and how it can be avoided through the creation of awareness on its effects (World Health Organization, 2003). Such information if explained to adolescence children and their parents become aware of as well during the health education public forum would help in the reduction of sun exposure/ tanning. Thus, a need for a health education curriculum on sun exposure informed this proposal.
Justification of the topic
Skin cancer is rising at an alarming rate in adulthood and its cause is too much exposure to the sunlight at childhood and adolescence age. However, such problems can be prevented by a change in behavior at a childhood stage of life. Prevention of the excessive sun exposure saves a life besides improving the quality of the skin as well as avoiding the costs incurred on skin treatment on cancer. Hence, implementation of health education curriculum on sun exposure is one of the best school programs that aid in its prevention (World Health Organization, 2003).
The topic is relevant in school setup since children spend too much time in school and they are the most susceptible. Furthermore, children usually ready to learn new skills at school hence behaviors such as minimal exposure hence they can practice major contributions towards healthy lives.
Literature Review
Childhood and Adolescent Sun Light Exposure: Children need sunlight and radiation for the development vitamin D, bone formation among others. However, increased childhood and adolescent exposure to sunlight or radiation are on the rise which leads to increased risk for the development of cell carcinoma and melanoma later in their adulthood lives. Thu, these children require protection from sunlight exposure both at homes and in the school of which are currently practiced by less than one-third of the US population (Whiteman, Whiteman & Green, 2001).
Health Education Curriculum on Sun Exposure: Children and adolescents spend much of their time at school with much of this time are spent outdoors in the sun. Consequently, the exposure time in the sun prolongs which leads to sunburns and other problems. An interdisciplinary program such as health education curriculum is essential for the teaching of sun protection to emphasize on health effects of the UV radiation; the children should also engage in word games especially on languages and relate such to sun exposure prevention (World Health Organization, 2003). In addition, the curriculum entails teaching the students on motivation, focuses on the incorporation of sun protection education and techniques in subjects such as languages, life skills to enhance positive attitude for effective reduction of the risks of exposure. Besides, knowledge and skills that are adopted in school ensure maintenance of sun-safe behaviors for children which will be helpful in their lifetime. The curriculum is normally backed with programs on sun safeties which include majoring on indoor games and activities. In addition, this curriculum should be implemented besides establishing sun-safe places that further reduce the exposure to UV radiation (World Health Organization, 2003). On the same note, the curriculum entails the creation of supportive and caring environments that ensure minimization of sun exposure a priority. Consequently, such actions will enable the school to set a good exampl...
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