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Obesity and the Professional Nurse's Role Paper

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THIS PAPER MUST BE IN APA, AND WILL HAVE TO BE TURNED IN TO TURNITIN, FOR ORIGINALITY REPORT CANNOT BE MORE THAN 15% MATCH I CAN NOT USE IT IF IT IS. PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS CLOSE. THE IN TEX CITING MUST HAVE CORRECT PG NUMBERS. M6A3: Obesity and the Professional Nurse’s Role Paper Using the information from this course, your assigned readings, and the article and websites linked below you will develop a 6-10 page paper (excludes cover and reference page) addressing obesity and the role of the professional nurse in addressing teaching and learning needs of patient(s) and families. A minimum of three (3) current, professional references must be provided. Current references include professional publications or valid and current websites (such as those listed below) dated within 5 years. Additionally, a textbook that is no more than one edition old may be used. Article: You "Teach" BUT Does Your Patient REALLY Learn? Basic Principles to Promote Safer Outcomes Websites: • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Adolescent and School Health • United States Department of Health and Human Services – Dietary Guidelines.gov • United States Department of Health and Human Services – Healthy People.gov (select information from the 2020 topics and objectives) The paper consists of two (2) parts and must be submitted by the close of week six. Each part must be a minimum of three (3) pages in length. Part 1 Select either adult obesity or childhood obesity and: • Explain the health problem specific to the selected population. Be sure to provide supporting evidence, including statistics. • Examine the causative factors (include physical, social, and psychological factors). • Elaborate on the consequences of obesity in the population you selected. Consider the consequences in terms of physical, social and psychological effects. Discuss whether the effect(s) would be classified as short term or long term. Part 2 Develop a teaching plan to support the needs of a specific individual from the patient population you selected. Refer to the “Teacher and Counselor” chapter in Taylor et alFundamentals of Nursing textbook and the article “You teach but does your patient really learn? Basic principles to promote safer outcomes” in order to address the following points: • How will you assess the patient’s or learning needs? Be sure to consider barriers in your response. • What are the expected outcomes? Include realistic time frames. • What information will you teach the patient and why are you selecting this information? Be sure to consider age, gender, culture, religious preferences and learning style. • How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching? Compose your work using a word processor (or other software as appropriate) and save it frequently to your computer. Use a 12 font size, double space your work and use APA format for citations, references, and overall format. Assistance with APA citations and references is available through the free resource Citation Machine™. Assistance with APA format, grammar, and avoiding plagiarism is available for free through the Excelsior College Online Writing Lab (OWL). Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you submit your assignment. You are required to submit your paper to Turnitin (a plagiarism prevention service) prior to submitting the paper in the course submission area for grading. Access is provided by email to the email address on record in your MyExcelsior account during week 2 of the term. Once you submit your paper to Turnitin check your inbox in Turnitin for the results. After viewing your originality report correct the areas of your paper that warrant attention. You can re-submit your paper to Turnitin after 24-hours and continue to re-submit until the results are acceptable. Acceptable ranges include a cumulative total of less than 15% for your entire paper, and no particular area greater than 2% (excluding direct quotes and/or references). See the videos below for instructions on how to submit your paper to Turnitin and view your Originality Report. Video - Submitting a Paper Video - Viewing Your Originality Report When you're ready to submit your work for grading, click Browse My Computer and find your file. Once you've located your file click Open and, if successful, the file name will appear under the Attached files heading. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click Submit and you're done. This activity will be assessed according to the NUR105 M6A3: Obesity and the Professional Nurse’s Role Paper Rubric.

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Obesity and the professional nurse’s role paper
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Part 1
Childhood obesity has become a severe epidemic in United States. Cases of obese and overweight children in United States have doubled over the past years. There is no way of reducing this increasing trend down unless practical action is implemented. Fast food shops are spread all over the county; as a result, they prepare poor food nutrition. Fast food shops influence children to eat regularly unhealthy foods by giving them toys when children buy fast food meals (Milena, 2014). Video games, computer and televisions that are regarded as important technological necessities are advertising the significance of such practice. These have increased childhood obesity with several negative impacts. Children face a higher risk of suffering from many critical ailments. Obese children not only suffer from unhealthy overweight, but also are vulnerable of suffering from unhealthy blood quality, weak lungs and other different illnesses. Regardless of many challenges, there are approaches to minimize if not to stop, the rise of childhood obesity. Feeding on balanced diet meals and involving in physical exorcise are two key methods that can be used to prevent childhood obesity. Factors causing childhood obesity and its negative impacts on children are known. However, there are methods to prevent or minimize the spread of the ailment.
Children are regarded obese if they have BMI (Body Mass Index) equal to or more than 95th percentile for their age. Many factors may cause children being above or equal to this percentile. According to Yael and Daniel (2013), lack of physical exercise and poor nutrition are the major causes of the sickness. Whenever sugary, fatty or unhealthy foods are eaten without bodily exercise, obesity remains inevitable. Research indicates that about one-third of American children aging 4-19 consume fast foods on a daily basis; thus leading to additional weight increase of an estimate of six pounds yearly per child. Eating fast foods is a trend that has increased five times among children since 1970. Due to availability and plenty of unhealthy foods, children are vulnerable of becoming overweight when their eating habits are not harmonized with adequate quantity of physical activity. Technological luxuries like video games, computers and televisions have cause increase of childhood obesity. Children aging 8-18 years spend about 7 hours daily making use of entertainment media such as movies, cell phones, computers, video game and TV. Out of this time, about four and half hours are spent on viewing television. Viewing TV is a major contribution of childhood obesity since children mostly spend time viewing TV rather than involving in physical activities. Children eat a lot of snacks and meals while viewing TV. Moreover, they are influenced to consume unhealthy foods when exposed to food advertisements.
Certain individuals are less accessed to supermarkets and business stores which sell affordable and healthy foods like vegetables and fruits particularly in lower-income, minority and rural neighborhoods. Parents, who live in places with many food retailers selling unhealthy foods, may have difficulty selecting healthy foods. Children are normally influenced to eat sugary drinks, and high energy dense meals prepared in fast food restaurants. Normally, 80 percent of children consume sugary drinks daily. Research indicates that children eat large the quantity of calories without realizing that they are served with high calorie drinks and foods. Besides that, breastfeeding is important because it helps to protect children from childhood obesity and overweight. Nevertheless, in United States, most mothers (about 87 percent) stop breastfeeding earlier. Only 13 % of mothers typically breastfeed their babies for more than 6 months. Mothers need support to improve breastfeeding their babies. Such an active support can only be obtained from policymakers, communities, families, employers, clinicians, friends and healthcare leaders. Estimates of 55 million children are enrolled in various schools in America where children drink and feed on snacks and sugary drinks there. Milena (2014) presents that many schools in United States still provide less healthy meals and sugary drinks for purchase. Children are accessed to less health foods and sugary drinks at school in daily basis from school canteens and vending machines and also during sporting events, school parties, and fundraising events. Many schools do not discourage advertisement of less healthy foods and; as a result, children make unhealthy food choices. Many places in the communities are constructed with houses without leaving playgrounds for children. This makes it difficult for children to involve in physical activities.
Childhood obesity has adverse impacts in the body in various ways. Stephen (2006) views that childhood obesity leads to high cholesterol level and high blood pressure that are contributing factors causing cardiovascular diseases. About 68 percent of obese children at least suffer from one cardiovascular disease and 39 percent suffer from two or more diseases. Obese children are vulnerable for suffering from diabetes type 2, sleep apnea, insulin resistance, asthma, impaired glucose tolerance, breathing problems, gallstones, musculoskeletal discomfort, heartburn (gastro-esophageal reflux) and joint problems. Obese children are at risk of suffering from psychological and social consequences such as poor self esteem, depression, low self esteem, drug abuse, peer victimization, behavior problems, anxiety, feeling inferior or worthless, negative stereotyping and teasing, body dissatisfaction, unhealthy weight, poor academic performance, school absenteeism, stigmatization, and discrimination that affect them even in adulthood. Childhood obesity has physiological consequences such as diabetes, high blood pressure, allergies, iron deficiency, poor health, multiple scleroses, asthma, dyslipidemia, gallbladder disease, orthopedic complications, earlier puberty, atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, liver disease, orthopedic complications, premature death, cancers, diabetes and heart diseases.
Children who are overweight have higher chances of suffering from adulthood obesity which is more severe. Childhood obesity is associated with severe psychological, social and physiological consequences. Many consequences are noticed during childhood, but can continue into adulthood. At the present time, children’s life expectancy is shorter than their parents. This is due to increased consequences of obesity. Obesity has great economic consequences. Research indicates that $11 million is spent for private insurance to help children ...
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