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Combinig Nurse Leaders in Advocacy

Essay Instructions:

Rate yourself using the results from the "Nurse Manager Skills Inventory": http:www(dot)aacn(dot)org/wd/practice/docs/nurse-manager-inventory-tool.pdf?menu=practice - 2012-04-19 Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below: 1.Personal and professional accountability 2.Career planning 3.Personal journey disciplines 4.Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace. Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal. View Rubric: Identification of strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas listed using http://www(dot)aone(dot)org/resources/leadership%20tools/PDFs/NMSL_BrochureFINAL.pdf 30% Discussion of use of current leadership skills to advocate change in the workplace. 25% Reflection on personal goal for leadership growth and development of implementation plan to reach goal 20% Organization and Effectiveness 15% Thesis Development and Purpose 5%

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Combining Nurse Leaders in Advocacy
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Strengths and Weaknesses
As a nurse, there are identifiable areas of weaknesses and strengths especially in the namely categories; accountability in the personal and professional arena, planning of one’s career, personal journey disciplines and reflective practice.
In terms of accountability, a nurse must endeavor to attain satisfactory levels, almost excellent. This is achieved over time through remaining accountable and responsible both in area of work as well as personal life. Responsibility has so much to do with understanding one’s duties and executing them in the right manner (Joelle, 2013). Throughout the career path of a nurse, proper organizational skills remain fundamental. This contributes directly to the continuous career growth which is strength in establishing firm foundations. This is a skill that goes a long way in cementing growth for the career of a nurse.
The Code of Ethics that governs the nursing practice is clear on how a nurse is expected to conduct him/herself. There are parameters within which the behavior of a nurse, while in the course of duty should fall. Career planning, though not strictly defined, falls directly in the nursing practice. Management of skills largely contributes to organizational skills that have help nurses move systematically and step by step. When a nurse successfully manages to progress and gain growth they become more insightful. Through career planning, nurses manage to advance their pool of knowledge and skills which lead to increase in the knowledge and expertise in the nursing field.
Personal Journey Disciplines
In personal journey disciplines, one area of weakness is the lack of being fully decisive. Prior to concentrating in the nursing career, nurses sometimes engage in other career lines. This is especially when they are not certain on what exactly they really want to pursue. As a result, they waste a lot of time which would have otherwise been put into resourceful use. However, after having settled on nursing, it becomes clear that this is what they want to do and hence not a chance to change again.
Reflective Practice Behaviors
In reflective practice, lack of consistency remains a common weakness among majority of nurses. Anytime during one’s career, it is important to constantly make reflections. They help one understand the far the miles they have made, the progress made as well as the mistakes. Reflection is crucial as it is seen as a learning experience. One can easily tell through reflections, the key areas that require improvement (Tazbir, 2013). Most nurses are not consistent in terms of reflection. As such, it is not easy for them to know when they make mistakes.
Use of Current Leadership Skills
The nursing field is highly dynamic. As a result, many changes are experienced over a short time. However, the framework and infrastructure of the systems that have been put in place are in such a way that they do not easily accommodate change. The resulting effect is having a system in place that is not relevant to the changing times. This is one of the areas that I would seek to use my leadership skills to impact change. Through the leadership I have...
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