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Nursing Staffing Standards for Hospital Safety and Quality

Essay Instructions:

I have chosen S. 1063: Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2017


The IOM Future of Nursing report calls for an increase in leadership from nurses at all levels. One way nurses demonstrate their role as a leader, is through public policy change. A leader does not always carry an official title or position but demonstrates leadership through the work and the stance the leader takes to make a change for the good of others. Nurses have been noted by the Gallop poll year after year as the most trusted professionals.

This assignment requires thought about a public policy that is needed or needs to be changed that relates to nursing, health care, or the public. Policy changes can occur by working with members of your legislature, and state or national nurses associations, to introduce a new bill and/or change to a current law in your state or federal government.

Examples of public policy include any component of the current legislation governing health care, Medicare Part D, Medicaid, nursing regulation, medication technicians, etc.

In 750-1,000 words, propose a health policy change (that is currently a bill, a law, or may not exist at all) at the state or federal level that you believe needs to change and why.

The policy must not be a clinical care policy for individual care. The policy involved may include public or community health, legislative or regulatory, professional organization (nursing-oriented), advanced nursing practice, health plan, or hospital plan.

Include a specific section for the exact wording for the bill or change in the wording of the law.

Include the plan for the implementation of your policy development, to lobbying for passage, to next steps after passage.

Discuss who would be the champion for the bill/law change from your state advocates (legislators, federal legislators, local or national state nursing organizations). Are these individuals also influential in making changes occur? Did you vote for the individual in office that you want to help you make this change?


Review different pieces of legislation for ideas on wording.

Visit your state’s legislative governmental affairs website site to understand the process your policy change could take if you wanted to introduce to into legislation.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


10.0 %Rationale/purpose/overall presentation addresses an analysis of a public policy. Description of a health policy change (that is currently a bill, a law, or may not exist at all) at the state or federal level that student believes needs to be changed and why.

Rationale/purpose is comprehensive, supports the purpose of the policy process that is actually conducted for a public health policy, and clearly shows a logical progression of how development took place. Purpose and objectives of the presentation are clearly delineated. At least three learner objectives are stated in behavioral terms.

20.0 %Paper includes a specific section for the exact wording for the bill or change in the wording of the law.

Paper completely addresses the beginning wording for the proposed health policy change.

15.0 %Presentation of

the legislative process for the state to propose new legislation.

Paper completely addresses the key legislative process.

15.0 %Paper implementation plan including who would be the champion for the bill/law change from state legislators/federal legislators/local or national state nursing organizations. Are these individuals also influential in making changes occur?

Paper completely addresses the implementation plan Presentation is specific and easily understood.

15.0 %Style

There is a sophisticated construction of the presentation paper. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other.

5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, and grammar)

Writer is clearly in control of standard, written American English.

5.0 %Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc.)

The writer uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in unique and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope.

15.0 %valuating and Documenting Sources (includes use of appropriate style, correct citation format in-text and in Reference section related to APA format)

Title page is complete. References section includes correctly cited sources. Citations within the body of the paper and in the Reference section are included and correctly cited.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Staffing Standards for Hospital Safety and Quality Care Act
Nursing Staffing Standards for Hospital Safety and Quality Care Act
The issue of nurse staffing ratio has been a major concern for several healthcare institutions. Cimiotti etal. (2012) argue that the imbalanced ratio between nurses and patients has led to cases of nurse burnout and seen several nurses leave the profession. To address issue of nurse burnout, attempts were made to ensure that there were adequate numbers of nurses to patients so that quality of care could be improved. As a result, the “Public Health Service Act” was amended using the “Nurse Staffing Standards for Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2017”. With the amendment, hospitals are required to implement and submit their staffing plan to the “Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)”. Within the plan, they must show compliance with the minimum required nurse-to-patient ratios. The primary purpose of this amendment was to ensure that quality of care was improved. The other objective was to reduce the burden on nurses so that instances of burnout could be reduced. During the development of the bill, it was first referred to the Health Subcommittee on two separate occasions. It was then referred to the Energy and Commerce Committee and Ways and Means Committee. It was then referred to “House Ways and Means” followed by “House Energy and Commerce”. Finally, Jan Schakowsky introduced the bill into the house.
The key words in the proposed change are “Nurse Staffing Standards” and “Patient Safety and Quality Care”. At the beginning, the legislation talks about nurse staffing standards. In healthcare setting, standards are used to refer to the evaluations used as the basis for making comparisons (Morioka et al., 2017). It is the standards that would determine the nurse-to-patient ratio. The wording is important in placing the focus on the need to have adequate number of nurses to improve the health outcomes. Standards are also used to reduce adverse events that can be prevented. Besides, inadequate staff-to-patient ratio has been blamed for nurse burnout that has seen many nurses leave the profession. In turn hospitals have been increasingly facing difficulties in attracting and retaining qualified nurses. This is something that is seen as jeopardizing the future of clinical care and quality of health. Without a standard to follow, healthcare institutions will not know the best ratio of nurses to patients so that the nurses will not be overworked. The standard...
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