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Literature Review Summary Table NURS 5052/NURS 6052

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Please refer to uploaded project one that you done in week 2

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Type of Study


Design Type




Key Concepts/Variables


Hierarchy of Evidence Level

Abraha, I., Rimland, J. M., Trotta, F. M., Dell'Aquila, G., Cruz-Jentoft, A., Petrovic, M., & Cherubini, A. (2017). Systematic review of systematic reviews of non-pharmacological interventions to treat behavioural disturbances in older patients with dementia. The SENATOR-OnTop series. BMJ open, 7(3).


Type of Study: Systematic Review



Design Type: Correlational



Framework/Theory: AMSTAR Framework for analyzing different Systematic Reviews included

Systematic reviews taken from “PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, CINAHL and PsycINFO (2009–March 2015)”

Concepts: Dementia (BPSD), Non pharmacological interventions, Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms,




Independent Variable: Procedures of different non-pharmacological treatments



Dependent Variable: Effectivity of different non-pharmacological treatments



Controlled Variable: Quality of information, as filtered by the AMSTAR Checklist



A large number of non-pharmacological interventions for BPSD were identified. The majority of the studies had great variation in how the same type of intervention was defined and applied, the follow-up duration, the type of outcome measured, usually with modest sample size. Overall, music therapy and behavioural management techniques were effective for reducing BPSD.”

Level I

Holle, D., Halek, M., Holle, B., & Pinkert, C. (2017). Individualized formulation-led interventions for analyzing and managing challenging behavior of people with dementia–an integrative review. Aging & mental health, 21(12), 1229-1247.


Type of Study: Integrative Review



Design Type: Meta-Analysis



Framework/Theory: NA

Data Source: data was taken from PUBMED, PsycINFO [EBSCO] and CINAHL [EBSCO].


Dates were limited between February and April 2014.



Key terms used for searching includes, dementia, challenging behavior and individualized formulation- led interventions.

Concepts: Individualized formulation-led interventions, dementia, Challenging behavior



Independent Variable: Different individualized formulation-led interventions



Dependent Variable: Number of research showing effectivity of individualized formulation led intervention



Controlled Variable: NA


The literature review provided 14 different individualized formulation-led interventions. The effects on people with dementia were diverse, as only half of the studies showed a significant reduction in behaviors compared with the control group. Family caregivers felt less upset about the challenging behavior and more confident in their ability to manage the behavior.”

Level I

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