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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Nursing Care Guided by Watson's 10 Caritas Processes

Essay Instructions:

Read Chapter 7 in Alligood (2022) and read the case study on p. 78. Answer the following questions as they relate to the case study:

1. Describe examples of how the nurse can provide care to the patient in the case study as guided by each of the 10 caritas processes

2. Compare the values and beliefs in your own nursing philosophy (from Week 2 DF) with Watson's 10 caritas processes. How are your values and beliefs the same or different from Watson?

Please use apa style And the Alligood 2022 book 10th edition

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion post
Department, University
The nurse can maintain altruistic humanistic principles by treating the detainee with love, compassion, and equanimity during every interaction and care. Instilling faith and optimism and honouring his belief systems, such as granting his request to make accommodations to meet the hospital chaplain, are all examples of the second Caritas of inspiring (Leone-Sheehan, 2022). A nurse can practice the third Caritas of trust by being attentive to the inmate, being self-aware of one's values, views, and biases, and moving beyond one's ego self. A nurse will be more honest, authentic, and sympathetic to inmates when they are aware of their sentiments, ultimately fostering trust. The fourth Caritas of nurture, fostering a loving and trusting-caring relationship between the nurse and convict, is essential to providing good care. It can be achieved by being consistent, being warm (e.g., speaking gently and at a moderate volume), maintaining an open, relaxed body language, and communicating clearly. Nurses can exhibit the fifth Caritas of forgiveness by encouraging the inmate to share his or her positive and negative thoughts by actively listening to his or her account of his or her struggles with addiction and the circumstances that led him to his current situation without passing judgment.
The nurse demonstrates the sixth Caritas of heightened care by thinking outside the box to find answers to problems. The nurse can improve the patient's health and well-being by using healing art and other methods of knowing. As seen in the seven Caritas, nurse can empower the inmate to take charge of his health and recovery by instructing him in self-care practices. She/he can also help him learn by determining how receptive he is and what works best for h...
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