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Most Significant Work-Related Change

Essay Instructions:

1) Examine a major change in your life, whether personal or work-related, that you found challenging and difficult to make.

2) Describe the situation in a paper of 1,000–1,200 words. Include the factors discussed in the module and how they affected your reactions to the change. Include a discussion of how these factors could have been used to make the change easier or smoother.

3) Refer to the assigned readings to incorporate specific examples and details into your paper.

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Personal Changes Paper
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Personal Changes Paper
The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus noted in 500 BC that “the only thing constant is change.” This is mainly true when using the agile change management framework to combat the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Such developments prompt the need for the organization to prioritize human resources’ needs while sustaining business continuity, particularly during these uncertain times. These efforts will potentially assist organizational leaders in transitioning their workplaces to the needed future state and allow members to embrace the new working environment. Given the uncertainties surrounding work-related change, some employees could dread it. People’s perceptions and attitudes towards the change significantly influence who they manage it. This paper examines work-related changes that I found challenging to make, including how I reacted to the change and how the change factors could have been employed to make the shift smoother and more manageable.
Work From Home as an Emergent Work Practice Change
Many healthcare providers and leaders work from home using their mobile devices and personal computers to assist care for patients, especially during the pandemic. The significant work-related change entailed a shift from standard work norms to work from home approach due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was necessary and possible to work from home in response to the Covid-19 crisis that accelerated remote work patterns anchored on the rise of communication technologies and connectivity. I faced many changes, including having little space in my home to attend to organizational duties. This problem was exacerbated because I live with family members and thus the need to navigate their spaces and freedom (Kniffin et al., 2021). I also found the change increasingly difficult to embrace due to challenges sustaining boundaries between non-work and work. Whereas the work from home approach could offer a safe harbor, the lack of distinction between my work and home chores – coupled with the absence of commutes to provide a shift between the two constructs – became a burden as well (Kniffin et al., 2021).
In addition, I was reluctant to embrace the work from home approach, mainly due to a possible lack of control over my subordinates, who would be out of sight and reach. In that way, I needed to develop and adopt technologies to monitor my subordinates’ whereabouts, mainly using sociometric sensors. In the same vein, it was challenging to manage my subordinates by walking around, especially when working remotely. Therefore, I had to use videoconferencing to enable virtual sight-lines. Nevertheless, such virtual sight-lined were challenging to execute due to the perceived risk of stress via persistent monitoring and privacy invasion feelings (Kniffin et al., 2021). There was the fear of undermining my subordinate’s creativity, particularly within lower levels of the organization’s hierarchy.
Impact of Factors on my Reactions to the Change
Working from home has been affected by change management training for managers in specific ways. It should be recognized that a great deal of resistance to change was avoided due to effective change management that the organizational directors and executives applied since the very start. At first, I reacted by resisting the change citing the challenges as mentioned earlier related to working from home. However, effective change management mitigated much of the resistance by leveraging and capturing my positive emotions and passion surrounding the need to adopt the new work norm as part of efforts to contain Covid-19 spread as well as reduce operational costs (Prosci Inc., 2021). Second, I was comfortable working from the organizational premises. I feared shifting into the new environment culture, and the unknown future state surrounding working from home created stress and anxiety (Doll et al., 2017). The project managers did an outstanding job addressing my fears t...
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