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In-Service Style Educational for Nurses in Risk Management of Nosocomial Infections

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to create an educational program that supports the implementation of risk management strategies in a health care organization.
In this assignment, you will develop an outline for an "in‐service"‐style educational risk management program for employees of a particular health care organization that will then form the basis for a PowerPoint presentation in Topic 5. Select your topic for this educational session from one of the proposed recommendations or changes you suggested in the Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One assignment to enhance, improve, or secure compliance standards in your chosen risk management plan example.
Create a 500‐750-word comprehensive outline that communicates the following about your chosen topic:
1. Introduction: Identify the risk management topic you have chosen to address and why it is important within your health care sector.
2. Rationale: Illustrate how this risk management strategy is lacking within your selected organization's current risk management plan and explain how its implementation will better meet local, state, and federal compliance standards.
3. Support: Provide data that indicate the need for this proposed risk management initiative and demonstrate how it falls under the organization's legal responsibility to provide a safe health care facility and work environment.
4. Implementation: Describe the steps to implement the proposed strategy in your selected health care organization.
5. Challenges: Predict obstacles the health care organization may face in executing this risk management strategy and propose solutions to navigate or preempt these potentially difficult outcomes.
6. Evaluation: Outline your plan to evaluate the success of the proposed risk management program and how well it meets the organization's short-term, long-term, and end goals.
7. Opportunities: Recommend additional risk management improvements in adjacent areas of influence that the organization could or should address moving forward.
You are required to incorporate all instructor feedback from this assignment into Educational Program on Risk Management Part Two ‐ Slide Presentation assignment in Topic 5. To save time later in the course, consider addressing any feedback soon after this assignment has been graded and returned to you. It may be helpful to preview the requirements for the Topic 5 assignment to ensure that your outline addresses all required elements for submission of the final presentation.
You are required to support your statements with a minimum of six citations from appropriate credible sources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
The assignment requires you to write an extended outline of how the content of the paper would be converted into an oral presentation. (List your main points and describe how you plan to execute).The rough draft with more details is due later on.
Please use as a guide and prepare using the 7th edith APA format.
I. Attention-getting statement - gain the attention of the audience by using a quotation, telling a brief story or humorous anecdote, asking a question, etc.
II. Thesis statement - state the specific purpose of your presentation here.
III. Preview statement - overview of all of your main points.
I. First main point
A. Subpoint
1. Sub-subpoint
2. Sub-subpoint
B. Subpoint
1. Sub-subpoint
2. Sub-subpoint
3. Sub-subpoint
II. Second main point
A. Subpoint
1. Sub-subpoint
2. Sub-subpoint
B. Subpoint
1. Sub-subpoint
2. Sub-subpoint
3. Sub-subpoint
C. Subpoint
Note: The number of main points, subpoints and sub-subpoints you use will vary depending on how much information you have to convey and how much detail and supporting material you need to use. Subpoints and sub-subpoints are comprised of the supporting material you gather in your research.
You should rarely have more than five main points in any presentation.
I. Summary statement - review all of your main points.
II. Concluding statement - prepare a closing statement that ends your presentation smoothly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case-based In-Service Style Educational for Nurses in Risk Management of Nosocomial Infections - Outline
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing), 
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
Case-based In-Service Style Educational Program for Nurses in Risk Management of Nosocomial Infections - Outline
Minor problems, if undetected and unsolved, can dramatically escalate into fatal problems. This aspect of risk management is compassionate in the healthcare system, where people's decisions and actions can lead to fatality. Healthcare risk management consists of the processes and systems employed to reveal, prevent, and mitigate risks in care institutions and organizations (NEJM, 2018). Clinical and patient safety are among the core domains that healthcare risk management encompasses (Etges et al., 2020). Clinical and patient safety risk management is critical prevention of nosocomial or hospital-acquired infections (HAI).
1.1 Thesis Statement
An efficient case-based in-service style risk management educational program (CISRMEP) for nurses in hospital settings has the potential to reduce risks of nosocomial infections.
1.2 Preview Statement
The current presentation outlines the rationale, implementation process, potential implementation challenges, evaluation plan, and potential opportunities of CISMEP. The rational section is critical because it outlines the magnitude of the problem, its cost on the American healthcare system, and community health outcomes. It also provides the logic behind the choice of a case-based and in-service-style program.
2.0 Rationale for CISRMEP
HAI accounts for approximately 1.7 million infections and close to 100,000 associated deaths annually (CDC, 2021). Among the most prevalent types of HAIs include urinary tract, surgical sites, lung, and bloodstream infections. CDC (Scott II, 2009) further reports that HAIs within hospitals have a direct medical cost of at least $28.4 billion annually and an additional $12.4 billion in costs to society. HAIs contribute to adverse community health outcomes and increase pressure on resources by increasing the average days patients spend in hospitals (Jia, 2019). They also compel families into financial difficulties because of the expensive nature of healthcare. Goyal and Chaudhy inspire CISRMEP's (2019)'s finding that there is a need for regular educational and training programs to retain and improve knowledge regarding nosocomial infections.

            The purpose of a case-based approach in educational development is to use real-life problems in supplementing theoretical knowledge. According to McLean (2016), "cased-based learning is a teaching tool utilized in different medical fields relying on human case to aid in the connection of theory to practice." A case-based approach is ideal in this study since there are different types of HAIs, as earlier mentioned. While the mitigation or prevention measures may be similar in some ways, they also differ for each type of HAI. In the case of the current program, nurses will learn about HAIs as they occur within hospital settings. Further, an in-service style training approach is ideal because nurses can learn with specific objectives while in line of duty. Chaghari et al. (2017) advocate for this educational approach because it empowers nurses to manage and mitigate risks

3.0 Curriculum and Assessment Overview

            There are numerous sources of information on HAIs, ranging from WHO and CDC guidelines to clinical and hospital plans. HAIs are a crucial feature of the nursing educational program. There is a need to consolidate this information into a simple and easy-to-understand recurrent educational program for practicing nurses. Key areas covered in CISRMEP include key risk factors, current and developing prevention and mitigation measures, and critical programs such as the HAI Action Plan. Nurses are primary care providers and interact with patients more than any other medical professionals. They are, therefore, best-placed to be informed on how to prevent and detect risks that can increase the prevalence of HAI. Since CISRMEP is case-based, it implies that nurses will note and provide special reports on HAI infections. These reports and nurses' experiences and actions are then used in bi-annual seminar sessions as case studies

This way, nurses learn from their own experiences, the experiences of other nurses, and current and emerging guidelines and prevention programs developed by researchers or bodies like WHO and CDC. Furthermore, CISRMEP is a recurrent program in which nurses must make special reports on HAI incidences. These reports are reviewed bi-annually through in-house seminars. Thus, the in-service approach is ideal because learning can continue without interrupting nurses' schedules. The assessment in the cur...

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