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"Miss Evers’ Boys" Essay

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Miss Evers' Boys about Tuskegee Syphilis study

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Miss Evers’ Boys
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Miss Evers’ Boys
Miss Evers’ Boys is a sad film that portrays what happened during the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. It is heartbreaking to imagine what the men went through in the hands of the nurse Evers and the doctors. Given that the film is based on a true story, one cannot help but wonder how such a tragedy could have taken place. Personally, I think it is an experiment that should never have happened. The film reveals the cruel world African Americans lived in at the time. While Miss Evers’ did her best to serve the interest of African Americans, I cannot help but think she betrayed the trust of the men who participated in the study.
Miss Evers was significantly important in the study as she served as the link between the doctors and the participants. Although she could not reveal to the participants that they were not receiving treatment, the film portrays her as empathetic and compassionate towards them. Upon learning what truly was happening, her frustration with the doctors is evident. However, she understood that the men needed her and she had to be there for them. The dedication of Miss Evers to the men is evident but she could have done more. While some of her actions conform to ethical foundations of nursing practice as caring, there is more she could have done for the men.
It is clear that Miss Evers betrayed the trust of the participants. They joined the program because she belonged to the same race as them and was known to some. Furthermor...
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