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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Nutritional Risk: Fast Foods And Soft Drinks

Essay Instructions:

1. From the cultural groups you reviewed for the High-Risk Nutritional Practices assignment, briefly explain an unusual high-risk practice and how it impacts your role as a medical professional

( for example Japanese : eating raw food )

2.What factors influencing nutritional practices in the United States could be changed to improve health?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Nutritional Risk Name Institutional Affiliation Nutritional Risk One of the unusual high-risk nutritional practices undertaken by Americans is the daily consumption of fast foods and soft drinks. In essence, the American population consumes fast food and soft drinks at a very high rate, one which some experts find alarming. This is demonstrated by the vast array of fast food outlets and chains as well as the endless diversity of carbonated soft drinks that flood the American market (Jou, 2017). While individuals enjoy the liberty and freedom to eat what they please and do as they wish within the confines of the law, this unchecked consumption of fast foods and soft drinks has resulted in the development of health problems such as obesity, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, and even high cholesterol (McMillan, 2012). These factors combine to put Americans at great risk of developing complications related to obesity and diabetes, as well as developing hypertensi...
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