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Health policy. View the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act"

Essay Instructions:

1. Select one area of health policy and describe the impact that policy formation places on direct patient care delivery. What component of the policy area you selected could be improved to provide better care or patient outcomes, and how?

2.View the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" video:


This video was developed just as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (commonly referred to as ACA) was due to be implemented. Now that the ACA is operational, contrast the information from the video with actual outcomes and provide your assessment of whether or not the stated goals of the ACA are being met for direct patient care. Support your position using sources inclusive of peer-reviewed literature as well as governmental statistics (state or national) or other nonpartisan resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Policy
Institutional Affiliation
Health Policy
One of the areas of health policy that have a significant impact on direct patient care delivery is health workforce policy. This area of health policy is focused on developing appropriate standards for healthcare workers as well as the facilities and environments in which they work. As an area of health policy, this has arguably the most significant impact on direct patient care delivery. By providing a clear guideline on the staffing ratios of workers to patients, as well as the tools and best practices of healthcare workers, one can directly and indirectly influence direct patient care delivery (Kuhlmann, Blank, Bourgeault, & Wendt, 2015). As far as healthcare workforce policy is concerned, issues surrounding training and development of said workers can benefit greatly from improvements. By having such workers be subjected to regular training to improve their best practices based on research and evidence-based care, these workers can help significantly improve the quality and delivery of care to patients (Desmond, Laux, Levin, Huang, & Williams, 2015). In essence, this can result in an improvement of direct patient care delivery and should be pursued by every means possible.
One of the most striking aspects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was the coverage rate it was projected to take. When it wa...
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