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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Medicine And Nursing Assignment: Meal On Wheel

Essay Instructions:
  • Assess risk factors and health needs of vulnerable populations. (COs 1, 2, 4, and 8)
  • Explore cultural and social factors that contribute to vulnerability of populations. (COs 2, 4, 7, and 8)
  • Identify strategies the community health nurse can use to reduce health disparities among vulnerable populations. (COs 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8)
  • Appraise the role of the community health nurse as an advocate for vulnerable populations. (COs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6)

Preparations for this clinical experience

  • Read chapters 19, 21, 22, 23, 24
  • Review PowerPoints associated with each chapter
  • Complete learning activities associated with this week’s lecture


Meals on Wheels Clinical Assignment

Go to http://www(dot)mealsonwheelsamerica(dot)org/

Click the volunteer link and Watch the YouTube video https://americaletsdolunch(dot)org/

After watching the video, click the volunteer link and it will send you to the next page. Place your home zip code number in the box identified and it will provide you a local listing of the meals on wheels program located closest to your home of residence.

Fill out the sections (name, email address, and phone number). This will provide you a contact person.

Once you obtain a response from the organization, make an appointment to meet with the Director. Please obtain a business card and brochure of the agency during your visit. Please provide the location address and director business card obtained from the director of the agency.

While in attendance, please ask the following questions to support the reflective objectives:

  • How long has the Meals on Wheels been at this location (within your community)?
  • How many meals are delivered each day, annually?
  • What is the vetting process in order to volunteer for this local agency?
  • How often will I be required to volunteer my services?
  • How are the meals prepared, and how can I volunteer to serve in that capacity?
  • How does this agency (the local office in your community) deliver the meals (foot, mass transit, private vehicle, company vehicle)?
  • How are the meals paid for?
  • Is there a wait list for services at this local agency?

Does Meals on Wheels, (in your local community) have an affiliation agreement with other local agencies, i.e. churches, long term healthcare facilities, disability agencies?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
            Meals on Wheels   By: Institutional Affiliation:                               Introduction The Prince William Area Agency on Ageing is responsible for providing the Meals on Wheels programs for its residents. Apart from the Meals on Wheels program, Lunch at the Senior Center is also provided to those that can make it to the venue during lunch hours. The Meals for Wheels is reserved for the old people who can’t make it to the center for meals. For every meal, a donation of $1.50 is required to provide a meal for one elderly person (Niedoba, 2016). The meals at the center are freshly prepared by the chefs every day and the food content is certified by dieticians employed by the center.  Vietnam war veterans are also part of the elderly people living in the area (Niedoba, 2016). To reach the center for enquiries, one can call the number: 703-324-5409, TTY 711. Friends, family members, medical professionals, and other caregivers have the capacity to make referrals while the social workers arrange for home visits and assessments. Demographic Data Most of the people attended to at the Prince William Area Agency on Ageing are 60-75 years old. The delivery of meals to the old people is usually handled by volunteers who willingly accept to participate in the program that is offered within the facility (Niedoba, 2016). Some of them are disabled thus they need food to be delivered to them when they need it. They are also incapable of preparing their own meals hence making sense of the Meals on Wheels program. Some of the old people in the programs also have no other relatives to take care of them. Therefore, the main target of the program is to reach out to old people between the ages of 60-75 that are either uncared for, homebound or disabled (Niedoba, 2016). Personal Reflection During my volunteer program at Prince William Area Agency on Ageing, I had quite a memorable experience. It was a joy to bring a smile upon an old person’s face every day I worked there. It was sad that some of them did not have anyone to take care of them hen...
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