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Management of Geriatric frailty

Essay Instructions:
Topic is again Geriatric frailty 1. Advanced practice nursing and chronic illness a. select at least 4 recent (last 5 yrs) articles from the advanced practice nursing literature concerning management of the condition (two should be research-based). Summarize each of the articles. b. summarize the role of advanced practice nursing in: -treatment -coaching re: self-management -quality of life -outcomes (choose 2 to focus on) -prevention primary prevention secondary prevention Please address each of these objectives and separate using bold headings so the instructor can see each objective was addressed.
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Geriatric frailty
Course title:

Management of Geriatric frailty
An evaluation was conducted by Rudolph (2010) identify the modern research that are associated to the use of appetite stimulants in the management and care of frail patients. The literature review was conducted from 1956 to 2010 with an emphasis on long term care, weight loss and appetite stimulants. The findings observed from this evaluation were that, the common approaches employed in addressing these phenomena included comprehensive nutritional assessment, the use of appetites stimulants to encourage eating among the patients and the use of oral supplements. These have included medication such as oxandrolone, mirtazepine, megesterol acetate and dronabinol. In this perspective, caregivers and health practitioners are encouraged to provide a comprehensive approach to the management of unintentional weight loss among the frail individuals in addition to considering appetite stimulants.
An assessment was carried out on older people’s views in relation to risk of falling and need for intervention: a meta-ethnography by McInnes, Seers and Tutton (2011). In this study, eleven quality articles were selected and six concepts were recognized. These included rationalizing, personal control, identity, life change and salience, self management and taking control. The synthesis in this line of argument described how the frail patients approached their self appraisal of the risk in falls and the necessary intervention measures required. In addition, it also describes how they these people adapt to the risk of falls and would be the intervention measures. Results of the evaluation indicated that some of these people prefer adapting to this reality by taking control of themselves and implementing strategies that are tailored to their self management. Health service providers understand that some of these people prefer preserving their identity as independent people while in this condition.
 HYPERLINK "/researcher/38462370_Esther_Coker/" \o "Esther Coker" Coker,  HYPERLINK "/researcher/39185508_Sharon_Kaasalainen/" \o "Sharon Kaasalainen" Kaasalainen, and  HYPERLINK "/researcher/2006676919_Anita_Fisher/" \o "Anita Fisher" Fisher (2013) observed that an inclusive care program for the elderly whereby the patient’s community care centers receive basic care from an interdisciplinary team would be very much beneficial. This team may include a specialist in geriatric medicine, therapists (both physical and occupational), nurses and social workers. The patient centered services for these people will include: occupational and physical therapy, home nursing, transportation, adult day care, home adult aid services and adult care. The goal is to overcome the environmental challenges, enhance function, and prevent institutionalization.
In her “evaluating the Attributed Dignity Scale”, Jacelon, (2011) points out that physical exercises for these people would be very advantageous even to those patients who are in the chronic phase. She also adds that individuals beyond the age of 75 should be compensated by the government around the decreasing reserves in preserving the well being and functioning in these patients. The postulation for exercises is also supported by Diana, (2008), who additionally advocates for the use of Nonpharmacological modalities in the management of frailty. This author observed that the use of Nonpharmacological modalities was a very crucial component in the management of frail patients. This is because; it helps the patients in coping with suffering and pain alongside improving their quality of life and functioning. Such modalities include psycho behavioral therapies, physical therapy, social and pastoral work consultations.

Role of Advanced Practice Nurses in Geriatric Frailty
Frail patients are at risk for negative outcomes and are the most conspicuous consumers of health resources in both the community and acute settings. Advanced care practice nursing has the potential to enhancing the health of frail individuals across these settings though clinical practice, leadership, education as well as research. Advanced nursing practice is responsible for a comprehensive assessment and screening of frail patients. They also facilitate the access to services and programs, empowering and educating t...
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