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Strategies to Implement in Assisting RN's Roles

Essay Instructions:
This is for a leadership class. Identify and describe concerns reflective of enrty to practice in the new role of a registered nurse. Describe any (3) strategies that you may implement to assist yourself in this new role. Site the reference(s) for the strategies that you will utilize.
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Running head: NURSING
Strategies to Implement in Assisting RN’s Roles
Date Nursing
Ives, Ditomassi and Adams (2012) state that; Registered Nurses (RN) is a nurse with a degree from a reputable college or university. For one to become a certified registered nurse, they have to pass national licensing exams. Registered nurses have vast experience in providing healthcare needs to the patients. Some of the roles of the RN’s include helping individuals and patients to achieve the healthcare and basic needs. Registered nurses are the pioneers of prevention of diseases. They are usually found in the healthcare facilities like hospitals and clinics. They are also found in physician offices where they offer assistive support to doctors and physicians. RNs are also available in industrialized resources, schools and homes where they may offer basic care as well as diseases prevention care (Lawson, 1962).
Nurse leaders have their interests in providing dynamic leadership with a view of making proper changes in the nursing institutions. Due to the unwaveringly changing healthcare systems, the nurse leaders employ different improvised mechanisms to sustain the healthcare objectives and roles. Nurse leaders employ various changes in the nursing roles through participating in policy making, government authorities and in regulation of its own activities. Through participating in these sectors, RN’s are capable of ensuring advocacy for a quality and comprehensive healthcare, facilitating collaboration among nurses and the leaders, mentoring junior nurses, enhancing proper communication among the nurses and taking care of risks involved in the nursing units (Saccomano & Pinto-zipp, 2011).
Registered nurses ensure integration of duties and roles to ensure that their esteemed objectives of nursing are achieved. RNs are considered the cornerstones of the nursing operations since they come up with ways of solving issues that affect the healthcare systems as well as the patients. RNs are important in hospital and other healthcare facilities due to their esteemed participation in patient care delivery and policy making. As the quality of healthcare provision relates to the services providers so does the quality of patient outcomes rely on the strategies of management by the RNs.
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