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Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Health Care Delivery

Essay Instructions:

Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Health Care Delivery
In some cases, the legal and regulatory environments of health care can seem like labyrinths of red tape that hinder more than help; however, with sufficient knowledge of health care regulation and legislation, you can acquire the tools needed to effectively navigate this labyrinth. Gaining an understanding of the legal and regulatory systems allows you to stay current with changes in the health care field and more easily and successfully advocate for new measures designed to improve the health of the public. Such understanding also assists you in understanding how to proceed when seeking changes to policy to address a specific population.
This week, you will examine regulatory principles and professional nursing standards. You will also analyze the effects of legal and regulatory processes on health care policy advocacy and implementation.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
Apply laws, regulations, and professional nursing standards to an ethical dilemma
Analyze the effects of legal and regulatory processes on health care policy advocacy
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Learning Resources
Note: To access this week's required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings
Milstead, J. A. (2016). Health policy and politics: A nurse's guide (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Chapter 4, “Government Regulation: Parallel and Powerful” (pp. 99-150)
This chapter explains the major concepts of the regulation of health professionals, with emphasis on advanced practice nurses (APN) and the process of licensure and credentialing.
ANA's Foundation of Nursing Package
Guide to the Code of Ethics: Interpretation and Application
This guide details the history, purpose and theory, application, and case studies of this must-have Code of Ethics.
Nursing Social Policy Statement
The Nursing Social Policy Statement provides an understanding of the social framework and obligations of the nursing profession.
Nursing: Scope & Standards of Practice
This book contains several national standards of practice that can be used to inform the decision-making process, development, implementation, and evaluation of several functions and aspects of advanced practice nursing.
Gallagher, T. H. (2009). A 62-year-old woman with skin cancer who experienced wrong-site surgery: Review of medical error. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 302(6), 669–677.
The article showcases the different sides of medical error, from a 62-year-old patient who suffered and the components of the medical error's impact and aftermath.
Reinhardt, U. E. (2010, Jan 30). Repercussions of simplicity. New York Times, p. A14.
This article determines that the government should take low-income families into account when determining mandatory health insurance because many Americans choose to go without insurance despite preexisting conditions presumably no longer being an issue.
Board on Health Care Services. (2007). Preventing medication errors: Quality Chasm Series. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from http://www(dot)nap(dot)edu/openbook.php?record_id=11623&page=43
Part 1, “Understanding the Causes and Costs of Medication Errors” (pp. 43–49)
This article discusses the multilayered nature of medication error as a system of failures due to individual behaviors and conditions.
Required Media
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012f). Legal and ethical aspects of healthcare delivery. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 10 minutes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Health Care Delivery
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Health Care Delivery
In some scenarios, the regulatory and legal surroundings of health care appear similar to tangles of red tape. They can act as an obstacle more than being of assistance to the delivery of health care services. However, with adequate information concerning the regulations as well as the legislations of health care, one can obtain necessary tools required to traverse successfully these tangles. Attaining a clear-cut understanding of the legislation and legitimate systems enables an individual to remain up-to-date with the modifications in the field of health care, with ease. Moreover, it allows the attainment of effective advocacy objectives set up for new methods intended to advance the well-being of the community. Such an understanding also serves, as a help to allow one understand how to progress, while undertaking the search of change to some policies in order to address the needs of particular inhabitants of a region (Milstead, 2016). Accordingly, this paper seeks to analyze the effects of legal and regulatory processes on health care policy advocacy and implementation, besides questioning and evaluating regulatory principles as well as the standards of professional nursing.
Considering the changes in the trends of populations and a rise in the aging population, the nursing personnel should attend to the needs of their patients. According to ethical considerations, nurses have the mandate to provide services to all patients irrespective of the age bracket. Unfortunately, the elderly age-group requires more medical attention because of their vulnerability to chronic diseases; they normally take numerous treatments due to their old age (Gallagher-Lepak, & Kubsch, 2009). There can be an assumption that it is of less advantage to invest in taking care of old persons regarding money and time. This is because it is evident that their estimated life span faces a limitation since they near death.
On the other hand, there is a consideration that investment in the developing age-group is of great advantage since they have the potential to be alive for a longer period. Therefore, this poses an ethical dilemma to the providers of health care. They are in a tight spot between administering services to either the younger or the elderly populations in equal capacity. They are also unable to determine whether they should assume taking care of the old people since they are almost dying to take care of the younger generations who can still live and be productive to a nation.
There are legal formalities, regulatory principles and professional nursing standards that aid in situations whereby a dilemma exists. The regulatory principles include non-maleficence, which ensures that nurses maintain the safeness of patients. This is by ensuring that they do not subject them to any harm. Beneficence ensures that while practicing nursing the practitioners always promote good by the inhibiting or eradicating any potential harm. Autonomy implies that patients have the right to make preferences on their own pertaining to their health. Justice ensures that nurses give fair treatments to all patients in a hospital without any kind of discrimination. Privacy and confidentiality is a principle accountable in giving an assurance to patients that the providers of health care do not share any information they give (Blais, Hayes, Kozier & Erb, 2015).
The standards of professional practice of nursing include assessment; nurses should gather comprehensive information regarding the health of a patient. They need to do an analysis of data properly in order to determine the right diagnosis. The nurses need to outline the outcomes to decide on the best treatment to administer to achieve positive clinical outcomes. They execute a strategy that shows their plan to a...
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