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Largest Foodborne Illness Outbreak in Canada Since 2014

Essay Instructions:

Report requirements|:
(30% of final mark)
1)In paragraph form, students will write a 2 page report, in size 12 font, double-spaced, using the headings (in the left column) and cover the information listed below:
Introduction - Describe a historic (Subject can be recent history) incident in Canada, where an outbreak of Foodborne Illness was the cause of a high incidence of illness and death in a human population.
Where did it take place? -- Identify where and when the outbreak occurred.
Cause of the outbreak -- State the cause of the outbreak as identified by credible public health individuals.
Method(s) of transmission -- List the symptoms of the infection and how it was spread through the population.
Action -- What actions were taken to stem the infection and prevent future infections?
a) Action by Local Officials
b) Action taken by Provincial Officials
c) Action taken by Federal Officials
2) The written report must include:
• A title page with your name, student number, assignment name, course code and section
• A Reference page or a bibliography: List all articles or books. Use hyperlinks with a direct link to the articles read online.
3)Do not copy and paste from the Internet- plagiarism will not be tolerated. PLEASE use simple sentences and write in your own words. Papers without references will not be marked.
Owing to the high final mark, so please send to me this report as early as possible.
I need it no later than this Sunday afternoon(2021/10/24-Canada time). By the way, please choose the incident in Canada.....

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Largest Foodborne Illness Outbreak in Canada Since 2014
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name

Largest Foodborne Illness Outbreak in Canada Since 2014
In October 2020, Canada reported a foodborne outbreak caused by Salmonella bacteria from contaminated onions. From July to October 2020, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) issued nine Public Health Notices. Additionally, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) issued ten Food Recall Notifications and Warnings for different onion products associated with the outbreak (Boyd, 2020). Since 2014, Salmonella foodborne outbreak was the most significant disease incidence with the highest probability of causing death to numerous individuals.
Where Did it Take Place?
The salmonella outbreak was first reported in July 2020, when the PHAC started investigating its primary cause. The PHAC and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified Thomson International Inc. to be the center of the outbreak, which was linked to red onions. Five hundred and fifteen confirmed the PHAC reported cases from seven provinces, namely Ontario with 14, British Columbia with 121, Saskatchewan with 35, Quebec with 25, Alberta with 293, Prince Edward Island with 1, and Manitoba with 26 (Government of Canada, 2020). About 79 people were hospitalized, and three died from the illness. 
Cause of the Outbreak
The PHAC, CFIA, and CDC reported that the Salmonella outbreak was caused by four types of onions, namely red, yellow, white, and sweet yellow. The antimicrobial properties of spices, such as onions, make it a significant challenge to identify and prevent the incidence of a disease outbreak (Barrere et al., 2020). The public health organization issued seven food recall notifications and warnings, categorizing them as Class 1, meaning high-risk designation (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2020).
Methods of Transmission
The primary method of transmission of the Salmonella outbreak was eating contaminated onions. Symptoms of the Salmonella infection began between 6 and 72 hours after the exposure to the bacteria from the contaminated onion (CBC News, 2020). Common signs of the disease include chills, myalgia, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, headache, abdominal pain, fever, dizziness, and chills (Boyd, 2020). Symptoms of Salmonella disease can last from 4 to 7 days without treatment for healthy people (Government of Canada, 2020). 
Action Taken by Local Officials
Canadian local officials were responsible for ensuring that contaminated onions were not dis...
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