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Justification Report Part III

Essay Instructions:

This paper is for ENGLISH 315 (Professional Communication) Assignment 2.3: Justification Report – Part 3 (Final) Due Week 7 and worth 200 points In Assignments 2.1 (Part 1) and 2.2 (Part 2) of the Justification Report, you built up the major parts of your formal, researched justification report (Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, Methods, Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis, and References). You will begin Part 3 by inserting your revisions of Parts 1 and 2 based on your instructor’s suggestions. Then, you will include a few new additions: Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings: Introduction (for Question 1) Problem Statement (for Question 1a) Terminology (for Question 1b) Major Sections of the Report (for Question 1c) Scope and Limitations of the Research (for Question 1d) Preliminary Parts (for Question 2) Recommendation (for Question 3) Addenda (for Question 4) Write a four (4) page, single-spaced report in which you: Create an introduction that tells what your report is about. Include the Problem Statement that you already created and revised in Part 1. Include terms that readers will need to know in order to understand the report. Briefly summarize the major sections and findings of the report that you’ve developed in Parts 1 and 2. Discuss what your report will cover and what it will not. Create the preliminary parts of the report that precede the Introduction (after reading Chapter 12 in your Professional Communications textbook), which includes: Title Page Transmittal Table of Contents Executive Summary Note: Use small Roman numerals to number the pages of the preliminary parts of the report. Create the Recommendation section of the Report. Provide a one to two (1-2) sentence recommendation based on what your Evaluation of Alternatives and Findings and Analysis sections have determined is the most feasible alternative (i.e. solution) to the problem in the Problem Statement. Create the Addenda sections, which go at the end of the Report. Paste in your revised References page. Add any documents in the Appendices that were too bulky to include in the report, but helped you to arrive at your recommendation (some examples might be surveys, questionnaires, emails, photographs, maps, etc.). Note: Remember to organize the report by the section headings. The report should reflect a style and format appropriate for business; single spacing and bullet points are acceptable for formal business reports. Note: Headings, figures, and appendices should follow guidelines of APA style. All in-text citations and the References page should be cited according to APA style, sixth edition guidelines. Your assignment must: Be typed, single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Justification-Report Part III
Table of Content
Problem Statement………………………………………………………………..
Major Sections of the Report……………………………………………………..
I present this research report documenting the methodology and process of our endeavor towards finding a solution for our maternal health problem of high child and mother mortality during child delivery. The article is directed to the chairman of the board of health and the minister in the relevant ministry as a proposal to solve the aforementioned issue. It is addressed to;
Mathew Guarwire P. O Box 345-4857 Plymouth; fax: 245-2-2467986; Tel: 020 4567332; email:director-MoH@gamil.com. For any inquiries into the report, I can be reached through the following address;
Tel: 020 3567123
Fax: 245-1-8272728
I would like to acknowledge the research team that embarked on a research project which was headed by a team of experts comprised of:
David Scorthblad- Maternal Health expert Ph.D.
Gerald Mittborough – Head of Child Delivery Ward, Plymouth National Hospital Ph.D.
Steven Lukewarden – Assistant Head of Child Delivery Ward, Plymouth National Hospital
Joyce Karen – Head Nurse Lamington District Hospital, Ph.D.
Lavender Obrien – Maternal Health Expert Ph.D.
I would also like to express thanks to Joseph Meth, Jackson Stevenson, Gilbert Husshinton, Florence Shitieene, Backshore Gullie, Ferdinand Wilshire, Scott Mill and Gerard Master all who emanate from the department of health who coordinated distribution questionnaires and conducted interviews. One who is included in the salutation and should not be forgotten is the Plymouth Publishers who helped compile and print the report headed by Charles Nottingham who insisted on shouldering our printing costs. Only with the corporation of the above-mentioned entity did the research and report come to fruition, and I am thanking them most sincerely for their respective contributions.
Problem Statement
The prepared justification report explicates on the problem facing the health sector of our developing nation particularly on the issue of maternal deaths during birth. As the Permanent secretary of Health in the country, I have exclusive access to data relating to this and an appalling condition of the area is that we face an abysmal rate of maternal deaths to the tune of 130 deaths per 1000 live births (Bergstrom & Goodburn, 2001). This being a rate that is not condonable to WHO who vouch for less than 5%, a team set out to find a remedy to the sorry situation. The team visited several countries that have been successful in maintaining a low maternal death rate during child delivery. These countries had variant forms of programs they had initiated stringent policies to oversee reduction in the maternal deaths.
The report at that point gets on an assessment of the cost and effectiveness, practicability, time duration of implementation and durability of either program to find the merits and demerits of either. Of much concern is the weighing of two criteria selected as reasonable explanations to the condition. These are lowering of maternal fees in public hospitals as borrowed from Australia and Sweden and the incorporation of traditional health attendants into the mainstream health sector as borrowed from South Africa and Zambia. It is imperative to remember that traditional birth attendants have been blamed for the high rate of maternal deaths due to their inexpertise while the costs of child delivery in government wards have been reported to be a warning to poor pregnant women (Bergstrom & Goodburn, 2001).
To understand the report, one has to comprehend terminologies such as traditional birth attendants and who they are. These are the community midwives who deliver babies in the vicinity of the village with no expertise or facilities to aid in case of complications. It is also important to differentiate between the economic and social variables of OECD countries from those of developing and consider them during the evaluation of the proposed programs. Maternal death rate or mortality is the number of deaths of the mother of the child during delivery per live births. The per capita income of OECD countries for example Australia is around $35, 000 while in developing countries is as abhorrent as $200 (Levine, 2007). Per capita income is the Gross Domestic Product of a nation shared by its whole populace. The Health Index is the ratio value in scale measurement used to rank a countries performance in alleviating suffering and death in the health sector. It is measured by checking observed facts and grading them to a particular standard as a function of time. Putting these variables into consideration, the report sort the merits and demerits of offering subsidies in maternal health sector for delivering babies.
Major Sections of the Report
The methodology used in collecting facts with regards to the criteria included conducting interviews with relevant countries’ ministerial heads. For example, in both Sweden and Australia we interview the minister for health who was generous enough to share their statistical data and information on their maternal health. The treasury was also consulted to explicate on the burden if so or otherwise that the program had on the country’s budget. The research team gathered from respective countries websites on health programs, followed up on real case scenarios for example, in Australia we followed up on a pregnant couple, with their consent, through their process of getting the best medical facility and how much they paid. In Zambia, we interviewed several Traditional Birth Attendants from both spectrums, that is, those who’d been recruited and trained by government and those who were yet to. We also distributed questionnaires to respondents in respective co...
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