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The selected topic: Child Nutrition

Essay Instructions:

The Session Long Project entails you going through the process of influencing policymakers. Under the Connecticut Health Policy toolbox resource, read the section on “Writing to Policymakers.” You will notice toward the bottom of that page, “sample letters” and “related articles.” Read these sections as you will use them throughout your Session Long Project. Your Task The health topic this Session Long Project will focus on will be NUTRITION. 1.Choose any topic that is related to the category stated above. Choose whether you will advocate for change at the local, state, or national level. 2.For this SLP assignment, you will be writing to “raise a concern.” (see sample letter for guidance on the bottom of the Connecticut Health Policy toolbox webpage) 3.Choose one of the related articles on the bottom of the Connecticut Health Policy toolbox. Describe the key points of the article (one paragraph) and how it relates to influencing policymakers (one paragraph). 4.Write a one-page letter, that encompasses the information from the above 3 bullets (on “raise a concern”). Note: The SLP assignment is 2 pages long. The first page addresses bullets 1 - 3. The second page is a one-page letter on “raising a concern” and encompasses the information from questions 1 - 3 (see sample letters for guidance). Your letter must be on a topic related to the category stated above and must be directed toward the local, state, OR federal level. SLP Assignment Expectations You must clearly show that you have read the module home page and the required background materials that relate to this assignment. You are welcome to do research in addition to—but not instead of—the required readings. Please write your paper in your own words. That is the only way I can evaluate your level of understanding. Even though the papers must be written in your own words, you are required to use scholarly and professional sources to support your statement. Cite sources for any statement of fact or idea that is not common knowledge. You must cite the sources within the body of the paper and include a reference list at the end of the paper. Quotes are very rarely needed; if necessary, they should comprise much less than 10% of a paper and must be in quotation marks and properly cited.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
The selected topic that is related to the Nutrition category is child nutrition. Proper nutrition is of major importance to the well-being of a child. Making sure that every child in the United States has access to healthful, wholesome food would in the end decrease the rates of obesity in children, improve educational outcomes, and improve the mental over and above the emotional health of America’s children (Martinez, 2014). Poor nutrition is brought about by poverty as well as a lack of education as regards healthy eating. Children who consume on a regular basis foods which are low in nutrition suffer negative outcomes which include several parts of their lives. Children who are school-aged grow substantially, although at a slower rate, while being generally very physically active. Accordingly, their nutritional needs are critical and high. I will advocate for change at the national level considering that food insecurity affects more than 12 million households in the United States (Children’s Defense Fund, 2014). Households that are food insecure are basically households which are struggling to afford daily meals needed by their family. Children who are food insecure have a higher likelihood of being hospitalized because of problems that are associated to poor nutrition (Martinez, 2014).
One of the related articles is that which is about nutrition. The article’s major points are that good, proper nutrition that is based upon healthy eating is an important factor which helps people to be active and stay healthy. Poor eating habits encompass over-eating and under-eating, eating many kinds of food and drink with high content of fat, salt and/or sugar. It also encompasses not having adequate healthy foods needed everyday. These unhealthy eating habits could actually affect a person’s nutrition intake, which include essential fatty acids, protein, mineral, energy, carbohydrates, vitamins, in addition to fluid and fibre. Good nutrition starts with swapping poor eating habits over better eating habits.
Letter Raising a Concern
The President of the United States, Barrack Obama
The White House
Washington, D.C 06106
Dear President Obama,
The purpose of writing this letter is to make you aware of a major nutrition issue in the United States: child nutrition. Poor nutrition serves ...
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