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Introduction To Computer, Assessment 4 Business Start Up Proposal

Essay Instructions:

For assignment 4, I would like for you to write it as a regular paper. Put yourself in Bill’s shoes. You are starting a business at home. You sell restaurant equipment from home/online. You sometimes visit the client place of business. What technology will you need to work from home or have a business from home? What do you need to operate your business? What kind of hardware would you need- computer, etc. What kind of software will you need? Will you have to do spreadsheets or write documents? What cloud technology/ mobile technology will you need? Will you send emails? Will you have a backup in the cloud? How will you conduct meetings? What kind of training do you need? Do you need to know how to use accounting software, use Excel, or even the Operating System? What type of operating system will you use- Windows, Linux, etc? Will you need security on the computer to keep from getting viruses? How much will those things cost individually and then give a total cost. Now apply that to Bill's situation.

Think about what you have at home now that you are using that allows you to work from home or go to school from home. Apply that to this assignment. Most importantly, provide the name of the items and justify it. If it is a computer, what kind, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, give some details about it and don’t forget to include the price. If you look up the items online you should see the description and cost to it as well.

Everyone's answers are different. This is your opinion on the items you choose. Just make sure you are detailed, justified and cover all the components. I hope this helps. Also watch the video if you have not already. The reading material and instructor notes also provide some of the info as well.

C10; Introduction to Computers

Assignment 4: Business Start Up Proposal for Bill Wilson

Bill Wilson, a close friend of your family wants to start a business. A family member referred him to you since you are presently working on a technology related degree. In your first discussion, you discover the following facts:

• Bill has been a sales representative for a major restaurant supply company for many years.

• His prior skills are very low tech. He drove from city to city, visiting restaurants and either providing his customers with supplies, or visiting new restaurants to try and convince them to purchase supplies from him exclusively. He phoned in his orders to the manufacturer, and other than accounting for his expenses while on the road, he did little or no record keeping.

• Other than basic email skills and a some familiarization with Microsoft Word, Bill has little or no experience with existing communications technologies or software applications.

• Bill’s business plan is to start a new restaurant supply business in his home. He wishes to spend more time at home and travel much less than he did in the past. He knows he will sometimes be required to travel to negotiate deals or meet with clients, but he would prefer to be able to do all this at home whenever possible.

Bill has already implemented the following actions:

 He has found an accountant who has agreed to help him set up his accounting system. (Do not consider any accounting software for this assignment. The accountant will provide that.)

 He has contacted six different restaurant supply companies and negotiated a fee and commission arrangement that will allow him to represent them and sell their products.

 Bill understands the basic operation of Windows 7 and Microsoft Word. For any new software applications, be prepared to provide guidance on the appropriate training he can find locally or online.

Although Bill has minimal technical skills, he does know what he wants. You completed your first discussion with Bill, and the following information was provided by Bill or deduced by you:

o Budget: Bill has funds for the start up, but the budget has some limits. He doesn’t want the fastest, biggest or best, but he will spend what it takes to have equipment that will suit his needs.

o Security: Bill has heard horror stories about computer information being hacked, and he wants your assurance that his business information will be secure if he follows your suggestions.

o Hardware: Bill knows of no special requirements for hardware, but he does know he will need to store somewhere between two and three terabytes of catalog information from the companies with whom he will be working. He needs to be able to access this info at all times from any location. He has no knowledge or preferences about hardware and says he will go with what you recommend.

o Operating System and Software: Bill feels comfortable with the Windows 7 environment, and prefers not to learn another operating system.

o The Cloud, Wi-Fi, Mobile Computing: Bill has no idea how these technologies tie in to his business, but he does know he needs to be able to do the following from his home office, from his car, or from any remote location: Check his email and compose/send emails at any time, place a supplies order via the Internet to any of his suppliers, be able to answer phone calls, and be able to set up video conferencing phone calls.

The Proposal:

Prepare and submit a written proposal to Bill that gives your suggested solution to his business plan. This report is to be written to Bill. DO NOT write your report to your instructor and talk about Bill. DO NOT speak about Bill in the third person. Write this proposal as a professional business letter directly to Bill. Provide Bill with the details of what he needs to purchase in order to have what he needs to conduct his business using today’s technology. Make sure you include the following items in your report:

1. Hardware: What items of hardware (computer, laptop, tablet device, telephone, etc.) should Bill purchase. For items like a computer, include minimum specifications for all major internal components. Justify the need for any major hardware items recommended.

2. Operating System: With the recommended hardware, what operating system choices are available and which would be best? Why?

3. Other Technologies: How will Bill handle communications and mobile computing? Include the details on any peripheral devices and technologies that you propose (“The Cloud”, mobile computing devices, Bluetooth, wireless networking, etc.) and explain how they fit into the business plan.

4. Software & Training: List the software applications that should be purchased. Make sure you include at a minimum: Operating System, system utilities, such as defrag apps, virus and malware protection and any system utilities Bill might need. Include the training courses that Bill should attend to gain basic skills in the software packages you recommend.

5. Cost: Provide Bill with an estimated cost for him to implement all of your suggestions. Give an estimate for the individual components and applications, and an approximate cost for all of the items you suggest.

Your proposal will be evaluated using the rubric below. Make sure you read the rubric and have a clear idea of what is expected. If there are any additional questions that you would like to ask Bill, you may also address a memo to "Bill" by posting it in the Week 4 area of the online Forum. Your instructor will answer these memos as Bill might. And all students will be able to see any information posted.

DELIVERABLE: Submit your Business Proposal to your instructor, in the Assignment section of the site, as a Word document.

C10; Introduction to Computers; Assignment 4 Rubric

See the items in green in the rubric below. These green items represent the standard of performance for each category. If, under any category, any item is shown in red, that means that this is the level of your performance for this category. For each category, you will receive the points that most closely describe your demonstrated performance. If your points are any other than the highest, they will be shown in red. No red in any category means that you received the highest score in that category. The sum of all the points in all categories will be your grade for this assignment.

If your proposal is at the bottom of this document, look for any instructor comments, suggestions or corrections, also in red.


20 Points: Three or more items in the proposal include an explanation of why that particular choice was made.

13 Points: Two items in the proposal include an explanation of why that particular choice was made.

6 Points: One item in the proposal include an explanation of why that particular choice was made.

0 Points: None of the items in the proposal include an explanation of why that particular choice was made.

Quality of Information:

20 Points: Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes three or more items with supporting details and/or examples.

13 Points: Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes one or two items with supporting details and/or examples.

6 Points: Information clearly relates to the main topic. Supporting details and/or examples are not included.

0 Points: Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.


10 Points: All of the technical descriptions and details are described accurately and match today’s available technology.

7 Points: Most of the technical descriptions and details are described accurately and match today’s available technology.

5 Points: Some of the technical descriptions and details are described accurately and match today’s available technology.

0 Points: None or almost none of the technical descriptions and details are described accurately and match today’s available technology.


5 Points: Recommendations were made as to the specific training recommended. If no training was recommended, a specific statement to that effect was made.

0 Points: No statement about completing, or not completing training, was made.


10 Points: The proposal covers all of the five requirements requested by the customer. (Budget, Security, Hardware, Operating System, Mobile Computing)

7 Points: The proposal covers 3 or 4 of the five requirements requested by the customer. (Budget, Security, Hardware, Operating System, Mobile Computing)

4 Points: The proposal covers 1 or 2 of the five requirements requested by the customer. (Budget, Security, Hardware, Operating System, Mobile Computing)

0 Points: The proposal covers none of the five requirements requested by the customer. (Budget, Security, Hardware, Operating System, Mobile Computing)


20 Points: No grammatical, spelling, spacing, capitalization or punctuation errors.

18 Points: One or two grammatical, spelling, spacing, capitalization or punctuation errors.

15 Points: Three or four grammatical, spelling, spacing, capitalization or punctuation errors.

0 Points: Five or more grammatical, spelling, spacing, capitalization or punctuation errors.


10 Points: All of the acronyms, abbreviations or technical terms used are either spelled out or explained in a way clear to a person not familiar with the technology.

7 Points: Most of the acronyms, abbreviations or technical terms used are either spelled out or explained in a way clear to a person not familiar with the technology.

4 Points: Some of the acronyms, abbreviations or technical terms used are either spelled out or explained in a way clear to a person not familiar with the technology.

0 Points: None of the acronyms, abbreviations or technical terms used are either spelled out or explained in a way clear to a person not familiar with the technology.

Proposal Cost:

5 Points: An itemized summary of all costs for the proposal is provided, including the total cost.

2 Points: A summary of the costs, or some of the costs for the proposal are provided.

0 Points: No costs for the proposal are provided.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Proposal
Author Name
Institution Affiliation
I was born to an educated and sensible family; my father is a doctor, and my mother is a freelance writer. After completing my MBA, I established my own consultancy firm and hired a number of workers once the business gained fame. Most often, we provide consultancy services to startups. Bill, a close friend of my parents, came to me the previous week and told me that he wanted to start his business. My parents referred him to me as I was providing these kinds of services already. During my discussion with Bill, I got to know that he has been a salesman for a restaurant supply company for some years now. He is not good at using technology equipment but is curious to know more about them since he understands that both hardware and software would be needed to run the company.
Hardware for Bill’s Startup
As Mr. Bill is looking to sell restaurant equipment from home, he will need to buy a computer laptop, telephone, and other similar items. Ideally, he can go with one desktop or laptop computer (which will cost him $500), two external hard drives, one wireless router, a telephone to make calls, and a good quality printer (Hill, 2015). The approximate price of all of these hardware products will be $4000.
Operating System
Mr. Bill should install Windows XP in his computer device as it is one of the best computer oper...
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