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The Hospital Personnel To Support Breastfeeding Mothers

Essay Instructions:

Answer those questions and please be on time and APA style

1) What education is required for hospital staff to support breastfeeding mothers in a BFI facility to achieve breastfeeding success?

2) Why is it important to restrict the marketing of breast milk substitutes?

3) Do you think most hospitals and community health agencies practice BFI (Baby Friendly Initiative)?

4) As a review of fetal health surveillance in labour and healthy newborns read about acid-base balance. Locate and post two articles related to acid-base balance or imbalance for a fetus (fetal scalp blood pH) or a newborn considered to be at risk. What did you learn from the articles? Write separately about two different articles.

5) Find an article about acid-base balance or imbalance for a fetus and write about nursing role about it and what did you learn from the article.

6) Fetal presentation and lie is important when assessing the labouring patient. Why?

7) What are the four stages of labour and how do they differ in primipara and multipara patients?

8) There are many theories regarding what external and internal triggers the body to start the labour process. Can you find some?

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Researcher Assignment
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Researcher Assignment
The education that is required for the hospital personnel to support breastfeeding mothers in a Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) facility to attain breastfeeding success entails training them on the advantages of breastfeeding, how to assist mothers start and sustain breastfeeding, risks of artificial feeding, mechanisms of suckling and lactation, how to resolve breastfeeding difficulties, and how to assess a breastfeed (Dewey, Heinig & Nommsen-Rivers, 2015). The breastfeeding education for the hospital personnel will help increase the rates of breastfeeding at hospital discharge. Restricting the marketing of breast milk substitutes like infant formula is important because it will ensure that the substitutes are utilized safely if necessary and that mothers are not discouraged from breastfeeding their infants. The restriction is also important as it protects breastfeeding, which is crucial in preventing infant mortality from illnesses such as malnutrition, pneumonia, and diarrhea (Willumsen, 2013). Most community health agencies and hospitals do not practice BFI. This is largely because of barriers and obstacles such as lack of health care worker training, lack of effective leadership, lack of sustained support from policy-makers, opposition and resistance from healthcare professionals, lack of resources and time, and lack of buy-in from physicians (Wieczorek et al., 2015).
Two particular articles that relate to acid-base balance or imbalance for a fetus are articles by Reynolds, Sharma and Seed (2013) and another one by Uzan et al. (2013). In their study, Reynolds, Sharma and Seed (2013) assessed the effect of epidural compared to systemic labor analgesia on funic acid-base status at the time of birth. Their results showed that fetal pH was lower in the control group compared to the epidural group. What I learned from their article is that maternal hyperventilation influences the pH of the umbilical artery, and base excess was found to be a better index of metabolic acidosis following labor. Also epidural analgesia improves neonatal acid-base status (Reynolds, Sharma & Seed, 2013). In their article, Uzan et al. (2013) investigated acid-base balance in the fetus during the period when the mother is in labor. What I learned from this second article is that metabolic acidosis that is brought about by anoxia is a vital aspect for assessing the severity of fetal heart rate. Additionally, I learned that fetal scalp blood pH can be used to measure metabolic acidosis (Uzan et al., 2013).
One article regarding acid-base balance or imbalance for a fetus is the article by Omo-Aghoja (2014). What I learned from this article is that different functions of the fetal organ system, for instance the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system, might be affected considerably by very small changes in Ph. The role of nursing in acid-base imbalance for a fetus is to provide the necessary treatment and to monitor the response to the treatment. If the pH is high, there is an incident of alkalosis. If the pH is low, there is an incident of acidosis. Nurses should carefully monitor such complications and treat them because the acidosis can be life-threatening (Omo-Aghoja, 2014).
Fetal presentation refers to the part of the fetus which overlies the maternal pelvic inlet. The longitudinal lie, cephalic presentation is the most common relationship between mother and fetus (Weingold, 2017). When assessing the laboring patient, fetal present...
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