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Intimate Partner Violence

Essay Instructions:

Unit 15 Assignment - Intimate Partner Violence

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Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 50 Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload


Write a (2-3) two to three-page paper (excluding APA title page and reference pages) about Intimate Partner Violence. Your paper should include:

You have been treating D.R., a 15-year-old male, for ADHD for six months and you two have a good rapport. When D.R. sees you for follow-up today, his mother is in attendance and asks to speak with you. D.R. appears forlorn and avoids eye contact with you as his mother begins to speak. She tells you that D.R. was attacked and beaten by a mob of students in the gym two weeks ago. The incident was recorded by a student and placed on TikTok. It was subsequently played numerous times on the news, although the minors’ faces were blurred. She tells you she has seen a drastic change in his personality at home since the incident occurred. She would like you to talk with D.R. because she is worried about him staying in his room so much and his refusal to go to school most days.

Once D.R.’s mother leaves the room, you ask him about the incident. He advises that he was walking through the gym when six students initiated an unprovoked attack. He was punched and kicked repeatedly and none of the other students present came to his aid. D.R. states “I don’t want to go back. No one can protect me, and nobody cares. They’re all back in school already and I don’t think I can do this anymore”.

Identify any signs in D.R.’s presentation that could indicate he is considering suicide.

Provide current (within the last five years) data on the prevalence of suicide following bullying.

Provide three interventions with rationale, supported by a minimum of two scholarly sources, to aid in the prevention of suicide of this patient.

Note: Scholarly resources are defined as evidence-based practice, peer-reviewed journals; textbooks (do not rely solely on your textbook as a reference); and National Standard Guidelines. Review assignment instructions, as this will provide any additional requirements that are not specifically listed on the rubric.


NU672 Unit 15 Assignment - Intimate Partner Violence Rubric

NU672 Unit 15 Assignment - Intimate Partner Violence Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Subjective Data

10 pts

Level 5

Includes all relevant subjective data necessary for differentiation of the client’s problem. Data is presented in a systematic, organized manner consistently.

8 pts

Level 3

Includes most subjective data with omission of two minor details or one major detail. Most data is presented in a systematic, organized manner.

6 pts

Level 1

Includes subjective data but omits four minor details or two major details. Some data is presented in a systematic, organized manner.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the section.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Objective Data

10 pts

Level 5

Objective data is complete and consistently presented in an organized manner.

8 pts

Level 3

Objective data is complete and presented in an organized manner most of the time

6 pts

Level 1

Objective data is not complete or is not presented in an organized manner.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the section.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Assessment

10 pts

Level 5

Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is complete and appropriate to client Diagnostics are complete and appropriate to clients.

8 pts

Level 3

Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is complete but some may not be appropriate for clients.

6 pts

Level 1

Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is not complete but is appropriate.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the section.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Plan

10 pts

Level 5

Plan includes all relevant measures 95% to 100% Pharmacologic Non-pharmacologic Education Referral Follow-up.

8 pts

Level 3

Plan includes all relevant measures 89% to 94% Pharmacologic Non-Pharmacologic Education Referral Follow-up.

6 pts

Level 1

Plan includes four of the five relevant measures, but the four are complete.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the section.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Professional Application

5 pts

Level 5

Case incorporates four evidence-based practice articles.

4 pts

Level 3

Case incorporates three evidence-based practice articles.

3 pts

Level 1

Does not include an evidence-based practice article but has two or more advanced practice articles.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the section.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome College-level academic writing

5 pts

Level 5

Includes no more than three grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that do not interfere with the readability Meets the assignment length requirements.

4 pts

Level 3

Includes no more than four grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that do not interfere with the readability Meets the length requirements.

3 pts

Level 1

Includes five or more grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors makes understanding parts of assignment difficult, but does not interfere with readability Meets the length requirements.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the section.

5 pts

Total Points: 50

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please be sure to include website in apa format 7th edition on reference page

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Intimate Partner Violence
The act of injuring oneself or committing self-harm with the intent to die, also referred to as suicide is a public health problem with serious ramifications on the victims, their families, and communities. Suicide exposes its victims and their families to adverse psychological, social, and economic effects with an overall negative effect on a community’s or country’s wellbeing in mental health. According to Koyanagi (2019), suicide and accidental deaths from self-harm account for approximately 67,000 deaths annually. It is the third leading cause of death among adolescents worldwide CITATION Koy19 \l 1033 (Koyanagi, 2019). Besides the fatal outcomes of death for suicide victims, it can also lead to serious injuries requiring expensive medical intervention and thus creating an economic burden to the family. Suicide can also lead to long-term disabilities, which may disrupt the daily operational activities of family members, who may have to sacrifice their schedules to provide family care to the victims. It is, therefore, important to identify the risk factors for suicide in adolescents towards developing effective interventional measures for preventing suicide among the young patient population. Bullying makes for one of the major risk factors for suicidal behavior or ideation among adolescents in the United States and around the world. Alavi (2017) defines bullying as an act of aggression towards an individual, creating a perception of a power imbalance between the former and the perpetrators. The act of aggression may take a physical, verbal, or relational form CITATION Koy19 \l 1033 (Koyanagi, 2019). Provided herein is a detailed analysis and evaluation of a case study highlighting the correlation between bullying and suicidal behavior in adolescents and proposed countermeasures for preventing the same.
Signs indicating that D.R. is Considering Suicide
According to the case study, D.R. is diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), for which he is already receiving treatment. The 15-year-old male falls victim to bullying at the gym by a mob of students from his school and exudes drastic changes in his personality since the incident occurred. The fact that D.R. appears forlorn and avoids eye contact during the routine follow-up in the presence of his mother shows that he is unhappy and lacks self-confidence leading to low self-esteem. Such circumstances expose D.R. to depression and other mental health disorders, making him susceptible to suicidal ideation. D. R.’s detachment from family members and other individuals by spending too much time alone in his room and refusing to go to school respectively is also a sign of suicidal behavior. He also exhibits negative self-talk and perception by observing that none of the other students presents came to his aid during the unprovoked attack ...
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