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Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Ethics

Essay Instructions:

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question posed below. Submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

Define CAM.

Describe the patient who uses CAM the most.

List some common misconceptions about CAM.

Identify methods of including the use of CAM in patient education.

Discuss the safe use of CAM.

List ways in which conventional medicine and CAM can be integrated.

Define ethical theories, ethical principles, and values.

Provide examples of ethical issues in patient education and compliance, and describe ways in which an effective professional/patient relationship and a poor health professional/patient relationship can impact these issues.

Explain what is meant by "ethical patient education practices".

Explain the purpose of informed consent.

Discuss what factors determine the patient’s ability to give informed consent.

Compose a sample informed consent form. .

Discuss the process of communication to use with the patient and the family when obtaining informed consent.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Ethics
Definition of CAM
CAM refers to medical practices and products, not within the standard medical care (Ernst & Smith, 2018). It is also described as a treatment that does not fall within mainstream healthcare. The treatments may include colonic irrigation, meditation, aromatherapy, homeopathy, and acupuncture. CAM comprises two words that can be used singly or jointly. The term 'alternative' defines a practice beyond conventional medicine. Lastly, the term complementary defines a non-mainstream practice. Therefore, understanding the meaning of CAM is essential for addressing its uses and importance.
A Patient who uses CAM
CAM is unique and considered by a specific group of patients. The group which uses CAM the most are middle-aged and females (Brosnan et al., 2018). Besides, patients with more education tend to use CAM the most. Most patients using CAM may have many medical conditions. The positive aspect that patients using CAM experience is positive health conditions such as being free from cancer. Therefore, CAM is a better and safer alternative for promoting health conditions.
Misconceptions of CAM
The first misconception is that CAM is mutually exclusive and can be used with a patient suffering from a painful and severe condition. The second misconception is that CAM is safe since it is natural (Mohammad et al., 2019). Regardless of the standardized and consistent pharmaceutical products, herbal and natural compounds vary, but most individuals deem them safe. The last misconception is that CAM provides holistic care and treats an individual as a whole person. Regardless of different misconceptions, the common ones are the listed three.
CAM and Patient Education
Different methods can be used to include CAM in patient education. Patient education involves transferring didactic information to the patients. Most patients do not adequately understand the application of CAM; therefore, including it in patient education is fundamental. The key methods to include CAM in patient education include safety aspects, mechanisms, and outcomes. The patients must understand the safe nature of CAM and its suitability. Therefore, the three listed aspects are significant in patient education.
Safe use of CAM
CAM is beyond the standardized medical mainstream; thus, its safe use is critical. Common CAM therapies are always considered safe due to their natural nature (World Health Organization, 2019). However, it would be wrong to assume that all CAM is safe. The safe CAM therapies are meditation, yoga, and acupuncture. Before using CAM, it is necessary to justify whether they adequately interact with other medications and drugs. The safety of CAM relies on body interaction and interactions with other conventional drugs. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the safety of CAM.
Conventional Medicine and CAM
Integrating conventional medicine and CAM is a common aspect that health professionals should understand. Before integrating CAM and conventional medicine, it is necessary to understand the interactions and their consequences (Pokladnikova & Telec, 2020). The integration is conducted through a process called integrative medicine. Secondly, integration is achieved by balancing the whole person by embracing emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Therefore, CAM seals any gaps that conventional practices may leave during the use of integrative medicine.
Ethical Theories, Ethical Principles, and Values
Ethical theories are specific statements considered during an ethical dilemma (Tannsjo, 2019). For instance, any health professional must consider the theories while making any decision to avoid patient complaints. On the other hand, ethical principles are components of normative theories justifying and defending moral judgments and rules, and the principles do not depend on individuals' subjective viewpoints. The common ethical principles are nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, and informed consent. Lastly, ethical values are elements providing a moral compass and determining decision-making (McCradden et al., 2020). The common ethical values are integrity, honesty, and fidelity. Therefore, health professionals must distinguish between ethical values, principles, and theories.
Ethical Issues
The common ethical issues in complianc...
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