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Improving on My Health Behavior: Sleep Duration and Patterns

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I choose stay up late as my health behavior that I would like to change for better.
Esay is about how to improve on my health behavior.
list steps or plans to adapt to this behavior.
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Improving on My Health Behavior
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Improving on My Health Behavior
Health behavior refers to the action taken by any person to keep, attain or regain good health and avoid any form of illness. Health behavior is also defined by behavior research as behavior pattern and habit that relate to maintenance of health, health restoration and health improvement. It also reflects to health beliefs of a person. My main health behavior is stay up late which I would like to change for better, in that concern have come up with plans to help fight the health behavior ("Staying up much too late: Edward Hopper's Nighthawks and the dark side of the American psyche," 2007).
Steps and Plans on My Health Behavior
I need to know how much sleep I need; for a change in my stay up late behavior I need to start by knowing exactly what my enough time to sleep is, the general rule dictates that the sleep time for an adult is between 7 to 7.5 hours of sleep (Caldwell, 2016). I have started a plan to set aside enough time for me to get realistically least 7 hours of sleep each night, lack of enough sleep impairs high level of decision making and effective commination.
Going to bed the same time every night; after I identify how much I deed to sleep the I have come up with a schedule that provides enough room to make it happen, I am learning on how to avoid bedtime postponements and also wake up the same time despite the challenges at night like endless awakenings, for these reason am buying a sleep diary.
Finding a quiet place to sleep; I am looking forwards having a quiet bedroom away from noise but since I was used loud music am adopting white noise by downloading some for my smart phone, if it calls to shift my bedroom position to avoid the noise outside.
Limiting screen time before going to bed; the light screens have blue lights which is a strong wavelength which the brain perceives as sunlight. So using computers and my bedroom TV before going to bed is a behavior am learning to stop. Study by Madeline RV, MD, MPH shows that too much light could affect healthy sleep possibly increasing risk of sleep disorder
To follow a bedtime routine; by following the series of activities each night by psychologically training my brain to recognize it bed time when bed time comes, when one trains their mind to adapt to a certain situation they surely do (George, 2005,)
Limiting day time naps; by paying attention to how much I nap each day, essentially short nap are important for relaxing during a long day. Long day nap and siestas can interfere with my night sleep.
Watching on my diet; the plan is to have meals few hours before seep and take meals that promote sleep like yogurt, oats, nuts, milk, rice and cherries also limit the amount of water I take before going to bed to avoid being woken up by my bladder
Am checking on limiting my use of caffeine, I am really in to caffeine which is one of the stimulant for my stay up late behavior.
Adopting regular exercise during the day; these will help tire the body by the time bed time comes but avoiding strenuous exercise
The progress that I have made in the 8 weeks
I was able to come up with that hours that I am supposed to sleep every night that is 7 hours from 9pm to 4 am which I have shown progress and consistency in my trial.
On the diet have changed bed time eating to a few hours before bed and taking food that promote sleep like yogurt, oat...
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