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The Slow Food Production of Healthy Food

Essay Instructions:

2 page (12 pt. font, double spaced) paper. Please use a proper header (includes your name, the date, the course and response #; example: Nelson, Prince
Rogers October 10, 2017 FOOD-UE 71.001, Response to Purple Rain) and cite the article and page number properly (i.e. Harrington, 354). 2 papers are due before October 31st.
A response paper is your analysis and interpretation of the readings. It’s a reaction to the sum of the reading, not a summary of what we read. Look for themes, make connections. Write thoughtfully and specifically. How do the readings contribute to your thinking about the issues? Do you feel the author presents a clear depiction of the issue?

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Response Paper
Response Paper
Food is essential for human life, and food issues need to be addressed because the kind of food that people consume determines their wellbeing. Pollan advocated for more eating of vegetable foods and fewer cereals. He also argued that a significant number of processed foods in today's world lack the required nutritional content, for example, the eggs in the prepared mayonnaise and cheese in frozen pizza lack the necessary nutritional requirements (Klein, 2014). Initially, people ate excellent and nutritious foods without chemicals, and they knew the source of production, but trends have changed, and people consume foods without bothering about their origin (Popham, 2009).
The quality of life largely depends on the type of food we consume. From the opinion of Rainey (2016), the demand for organic food is increasing more than its supply, and this is because people have realized the importance of organic food consumption as opposed to the industrially processed foods. On the same issue, Klein (2014) claims from the words of Pollan that the production of organic food can stand unsustainable climate change when grown on good soils as opposed to the industrial production, which requires a lot of water, more care through applying pesticides, and cannot sustain the drought period.
The capitalist economy is profit oriented, and thus the industrial companies strive to increase their returns through the production of genetically modified food products because such foods are produced cheaply, and the yield is higher returns. However, although the capitalism makes more profits in the production of food, they do it at the expense of the citizens, and as Pollan puts it "capitalism is very powerful, it solves problems, but it solves its problems, not always our problems" (Klein, 2014).
As much as people are required to eat healthy foods, the deficiencies in the production system are enormous, but they have remained unaddressed. It is because the capitalists are money oriented...
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