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Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAI)

Essay Instructions:

the issue I want you to talk about is hospital acquired infection ( HAI). I work in hospital as a float pool nurse. which means I go into all units based on their needs. most of the infection caused in the hospital is due to employees not following procedures or policies. I am uploading wring instruction and rubric. thank you. let me know if you have any questions.

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The problem at hand is hospital-acquired infections (HAI), which is a critical issue in the healthcare environment. HAIs refer to diseases that patients acquire while receiving medical treatment in a healthcare facility, including hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. HAIs can cause significant morbidity and mortality, leading to extended hospital stays, increased healthcare costs, and patient suffering (Monegro et al., 2022). Thus, HAI is an issue that needs resolution.
As a float pool nurse, the issue of HAIs is particularly relevant, as one works across various units in a hospital, increasing the potential for infection transmission between patients, staff, and visitors. The risk of transmission can be heightened if employees fail to follow proper procedures or policies for infection prevention and control. Infection prevention and control are essential components of healthcare practice. Healthcare providers must ensure that their practices do not contribute to the spread of infectious diseases. The importance of infection control measures has been further highlighted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has demonstrated the severe consequences of failing to follow proper infection prevention protocols (Grasselli et al., 2021).
In conclusion, the issue of HAI is highly applicable to the area of nursing practice and the broader healthcare environment. The healthcare provider is responsible for being aware of the risks and taking the necessary steps to prevent and control infections to ensure the safety and well-being of the patients, themselves, and their colleagues.
Investigation of the Problem
Several pieces of evidence support the existence of the problem of HAIs and underscore the need for effective infection prevention and control practices in healthcare settings. For instance, hospitals and healthcare facilities conduct regular assessments of infection control practices and rates of HAIs. These assessments provide data on the prevalence and impact of HAIs within a particular organization. According to a 2018 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2018), approximately one in 31 hospital patients in the United States has at least one HAI on any given day. Moreover, national organizations, such as the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022), provide guidelines and recommendations on infection prevention and control practices. These guidelines are based on extensive research and serve as a standard for healthcare organizations. For example, the CDC’s “Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections” provides evidence-based recommendations for reducing catheter-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs), a common type of HAI. In addition, healthcare providers and patients have firsthand experience with the impact of HAIs. It was found that patients with HAIs had more extended hospital stays, higher mortality rates, and increased healthcare costs compared to patients without HAIs. Healthcare providers may also witness the impact of HAIs on their patients and colleagues and understand the importance of infection control practices.
Current State of the Situation
Several areas may be contributing to the problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Identifying and addressing these contributing factors can help reduce the incidence of HAIs in healthcare settings. It is essential to implement evidence-based infection prevention and control practices and provide resources and education to healthcare providers, patients, and their families to improve compliance with infection control measures.
Hand Hygiene Compliance
Hand hygiene is essential in preventing the spread of infections, and noncompliance is a significant contributor to HAIs (Friedrich, 2019; Gezie et al., 2019). Healthcare providers may perform hand hygiene less frequently or effectively due to time constraints, lack of access to hand hygiene resources, or improper technique.
Inadequate cleaning and disinfection
Healthcare facilities may need more resources, staff, or training to properly clean and disinfect equipment, surfaces, and patient rooms. Failure to clean and disinfect adequately can lead to the spread of infectious agents.
Transmission between patients and healthcare workers
Healthcare workers may unintentionally transmit infections between patients through contact with contaminated equipment or surfaces, inadequate PPE use, or failure to follow isolation precautions.
Antibiotic resistance
The incorrect use of antibiotics contributes to the developing of antibiotic-resistant organisms that can cause HAIs (Friedrich, 2019; Gezie et al., 2019). Patients with compromised immune systems or undergoing invasive procedures may be particularly vulnerable to these infections.
Lack of patient educationPatients and their families may need more education on infection prevention and control practices, leading to noncompliance with recommended behaviors such as hand hygiene or proper wound care.
Proposed Solution for the Problem
The proposed solution for the problem is to implement a comprehensive infection prevention and control program that includes hand hygiene promotion, cleaning, and disinfection protocols, transmission-based precautions, antibiotic stewardship, and patient education.
The program should include regular training and education on proper hand hygiene techniques and provide adequate hand hygiene resources such as hand sanitizer dispensers and handwashing stations (Friedrich, 2019). It must also establish clear protocols for cleaning and disinfecting patient rooms, equipment, and surfaces. Staff should receive regular training on these protocols, and adequate resources such as cleaning supplies and equipment should be provided. The program must also include policies and procedures for isolating patients with infectious diseases or suspected infections. Staff should receive regular training on these procedures, and patients should receive education on infection prevention and control practices (Gezie et al., 2019). The program should also include policies and procedures for the appropriate use of antibiotics, including using narrow-spectrum antibiotics and avoiding broad-spectrum antibiotics when possible (Friedrich, 2019). It must educate patients on infection prevention and control practices, including proper hand hygiene, wound care, and adherence to transmission-based precautions.
This proposed solution is justified based on the results of the investigation and analysis of the problem of HAIs. The identified contributing factors to HAIs, including hand hygiene noncompliance, inadequate cleaning and disinfection, transmission between patients and healthcare workers, antibiotic resistance, and lack of patient education, can be addressed through a comprehensive infection prevention and control program. The program should provide education and resources to healthcare providers, patients, and their families and establish clear policies and procedures for infection prevention and control practices. By implementing a comprehensive program, healthcare facilities can reduce the incidence of HAIs and improve patient outcomes.
Resources Needed to Implement the Proposed Solution for the Problem
Staff education and training
Healthcare facilities should provide regular education and training to staff on infection prevention and control practices. It can be accomplished through in-person training sessions, online modules, or both.
Hand hygiene resources
Healthcare facilities should provide adequate resources for hand hygiene, including hand sanitizer dispensers and handwashing stations. These resources should be strategically placed throughout the facility to ensure easy access for staff, patients, and visitors.
Cleaning and disinfection supplies
Healthcare facilities should provide adequate supplies for cleaning and disinfecting patient rooms, equipment, and surfaces. It includes disinfectant wipes, cleaning solutions, and personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff.
Antibiotic stewardship program
Healthcare facilities should establish an antibiotic stewardship program that will encourage the appropriate use of antibiotics and reduce the development of antibiotic-resistant organisms. This program should include staff education, regular monitoring of antibiotic use, and feedback to providers on their prescribing practices.
Patient education materials
Healthcare facilities should provide patient education materials on infection prevention and control practices, such as hand hygiene, wound care, and transmission-based precautions. These materials, including posters, brochures, and videos, can be provided in multiple languages and formats.
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