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HIV Stigmatization among South African Women

Essay Instructions:

Women, Adolescent Girls, and HIV Risk Factors in South Africa.

a. Statistics on high HIV prevalence rates among women in South Africa.

b. Risk factors for high HIV rates in women in South Africa- e.g poverty and low status of women, violence against women and rape, women preference for" dry sex", low levels of education, culture and gender power relations, migrant labor practices, lack of access to prevention and treatment services.

EFFECTS OF HIV- related Stigma on Women and Adolescent Gils in South Africa

-- Social, economic, mental, etc

EFFECTS in South Africa to address HIV- related Stigma among Women and Adolescent Girls.

--- What is currently being done - how effective have these been

REMOVING Barriers and the Way Forward

----Recommendations for the way forward

---- Targeted interventions for women

----Increased access to ART & PrEP

----Therapy counseling

----Empower women to negotiate condom use and safer sex practices


----Address cultural issues

----Community health centers and access to condoms

Essay Sample Content Preview:
HIV Stigmatization among South African Women Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name February 22, 2019 As of 2017, reports would show that around 36.9 million people are living with HIV all around the world (UNAIDS, 2018). Every year, more than 1.8 million would contact this disease, which increases the number of people at risks to its detrimental consequences. However, despite the intervening solutions to mitigate its effects developed in some parts of the world, one of the problems to such treatment is access. Treatments against HIV are very resource intensive, and thus, a gap between ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ significantly exist (Riley, 2012). In turn, this increases the number of risks to those who cannot afford it. Coupled with other factors, this lack of access could lead to other adverse effects such as lower self-esteem, rejection, isolation, as well as an overall reduction in the quality of life. In this study, this reduction in the quality of life would be discussed by focusing on its effects on South African women. This population is one of the most afflicted ones due to their socio-economic status (i.e., discrimination of women in African society) in life. To do this, this study would focus on the adverse effects on their emotional and psychological well-being brought about by the stigma associated with the disease. All in all, the author of this article believes that by understanding the leading causes of HIV stigmatization, the effects of HIV could be lessened. Effects of HIV on South African women According to recent studies, South Africa has the biggest HIV epidemic in the world, with the prevalence rate amounting to 18.9% of the overall population. Among these, 26% are composed of adult women, whereas “young women between the ages of 15 and 24 made up 37% of new infections in South Africa in 2016” (Avert.org, 2018). Although, it seems that government efforts – through intensive screening and educational discussions – have somehow reduced the number of people afflicted with the disease for all age and genders, the country is said to still be far away from addressing all of the repercussions of the disease, particularly when it comes to its effects towards the perception of women afflicted. Stigma brought about by HIV While the physical symptoms of AIDS are the most apparent effect of AIDS, studies say that emotional and psychological problems brought about by stigmatization is the most common reasons for the decrease in the quality of life among those affected. In South Africa, women afflicted with the diseases are viewed with much more disdain as compared to men. This perception causes both adult and young women to feel “depression, inferiority feeling, guilt, and suicidal feelings” (Paudel & Baral, 2015). Several reports have shown that there are many cases where women who have AIDS, tried to commit suicide due to the social factors that make them feel alone. However, studies noted that the effects of socia...
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