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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Managing Pain during Sickle Cell Crisis

Essay Instructions:

Read the following articles:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017), approximately 100,000 Americans have sickle cell disease. Red blood cells that contain sickle hemoglobin are inflexible. This results in the cells adhering to blood vessel walls which slows or stops blood flow. This diminished or absent flow limits the amount of oxygen reaching cells and leads to attacks of sudden pain or crisis. Many clients with sickle cell disease also experience chronic pain.

Hulihan, M., Hassell, K., Raphael, J., Smith-Whitely, K., & Thorpe, P. (2017, November 24). CDC Grand Rounds: Improving the lives of persons with sickle cell disease. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 66 (46), 1269-1271.

Initial Discussion Post:

• What are some of the obstacles the RN may encounter when trying to manage the acute and chronic pain associated with sickle-cell disease?

• Identify an intervention that can be implemented to overcome one of these obstacles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Managing Pain during Sickle Cell Crisis Name Institution Sickle cell disease is a condition that attacks hemoglobin, the molecule in the red blood cells, which transmits oxygen to cells all over the body. People with this condition have abnormal proteins in their red blood cells. In the United States, most of the individuals who have this disorder are of the Africa ancestry, although the disease is also common among people from other different backgrounds. Some of the early symptoms of sickle cell disease include extreme tiredness, swelling of the hands and feet, fatigue and symptoms of anemia. It is also important to note that over time, the disease causes more complications such as episodes of pain and infections. This paper examines the obstacles encountered when managing acute and chronic pain of sickle cell disease and the interventions that can overcome these obstacles. The perceived inconsistencies and disparities between sickle cell patients’ behavior and pain score have been recorded as a major issue in the care of patients with the disorder, and it can result to mistrust between the care providers and the patients. It is keynoting that registered nurses the verbal pain report to establish and ascertain the extent o...
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