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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Health Insurance in the USA

Essay Instructions:

Select and describe one of the key factors that influenced the evolution of the U.S. health care delivery system to what it is today. What challenges and opportunities are still relevant? How is the selected key factor affecting health care delivery today? How might it affect future health care delivery?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Health Insurance in the USA Name Institutional Affiliation Health Insurance in the USA One of the factors that has greatly influenced the development of healthcare in the USA into what it is today is healthcare insurance. The development of health insurance in the mid to late 1800s essentially transformed the manner in which healthcare is approached and paid for in American society (Shi & Singh, 2009). Considering the fact that this drive eventually led to the development and proliferation of employer-sponsored healthcare insurance between 1940 and 1960, it is no surprise that healthcare service delivery was also transformed in the process (Kovner, Knickman, & Jonas, 2011). Over time, health insurance inevitably led to the development of a complex, integrated, and evolving healthcare service delivery system in the US. While the USA has realized a highly reliable healthcare insurance industry with great diversity in terms of insurance providers, one of the factors that remains a core challenge is that of combating healthcare service delivery for the uninsured and underinsured (Barr, 2016). These challenges, which were evident in the infant stages of healthcare insurance still continue to shape...
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