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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health Care Innovation

Essay Instructions:

1) Write a paper of 1,000–1,200 words that compares and contrasts the competing visions of health care administration among stakeholders, identifies the areas where they conflict, and discusses how those conflicts could be seen in the delivery system.

2) Refer to the assigned readings to incorporate specific examples and details into your paper.

3) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Health Care Innovation Name of Student Institution Affiliation Health Care Innovation Introduction The United States healthcare system is one of the largest industries in which huge resources and stakeholders are concentrated throughout the world. The innovations in health care system allow the acquisition of a high level of protection and improvement of public health. The implementation of the main objectives of health care contributes to effective public policy. This paper aims to discuss and compare the position of potential stakeholders in the competing vision of United States health care administration. Further, this paper also demonstrates the major areas with increased possibility of conflicts and their progression in the US health care system. Discussion Competing Visions of Health Care Administration among Stakeholders The US healthcare system has been developed historically under the conditions of a practically free market, with a limited state influence, to which the liberal ideology has largely contributed. According to Spruce (2015), the health system transits from “volume-based care to value-based care”. In such cases, the implementation of evidence-based practice allows efficient care plans in the health care delivery. Although it is critical to implement the evidence-based practice with uniformity, once it is conformed, it will result in decreased patient care cost, standardized care, and improved patient outcomes (Spruce, 2015). The potential stakeholders in health care system include health care institutions, government organizations, insurance companies, and patients. The competing visions of US health care administrations include the increased cost and benefits from health care services in the country. It has been suggested that the collaboration among the stakeholders and healthcare administration is supposed to play a crucial part in the improvement of health care systems. On the other hand, instead of making strong collaboration with each other, the stakeholders of the health care system are competing with each other in terms of cost, economy, and profits. The competing vision may be observed in the delivery of health care services while assessing the mortality rate in the country. The increased mortality rates are considered as the potential indicator of competition between health care administration and health insurers (Herzlinger, Schleicher, Mullangi, 2016). Nowadays, the health insurers are dominating the market, so both the health care institutions and health insurers present extravagant role in the system of health care delivery. The recent innovations in the US health care system are also increasing the competition among stakeholders. Glied and Jackson (2017) indicated that the innovation and expansion in the Affordable Care Act are also concerned with the vigorous profits in the insurance coverage. These additions include the construction of premium subsidizations and Medicaid expansion. The state Medicare program provides health insurance for all Americans over 65 with work experience of 5-10 years depending on its nature. Moreover, it also provides services for persons who are going to be elder with serious issues in their health status. For instance, Medicaid covers five basic services: inpatient and outpatient treatment, counseling by various specialists, stay in nursing homes, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. This program pays for stays in nursing homes, and it takes most of the funds allocated to Medicaid. On the other hand, Unlike Medicare, Medic-aid is funded not only by the federal government, but also by state governments. Approximately, 42 % of all expenditures on health care are...
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