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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Helping And Healing Relationships

Essay Instructions:

Helping and Healing Relationships

Consider the various steps of the nursing process in order to address the following critical thinking questions.

  • As a health care provider, discuss ways in which you will establish a helping hand and healing relationship with your patient and their families.

  • How will you develop professional partnerships with health care team members in your clinical practice?

  • What personal behaviors, biases, and attitudes would you have to change to develop these professional relationships?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Healthcare Paper Author`s Name Institution Affiliation As a health care provider, discuss ways in which you will establish a helping hand and healing relationship with your patient and their families As a caregiver, it is my responsibility to develop a good relationship with patients and their families while providing them with quality care. There are certain ways to make it possible, such as working for extra hours, exercising compassion and staying patient (Prabhu, 2017). First of all, I would like to work for extra hours in the hospital so that I get to know who needs my guidance or consistent help. Another idea is to assist disabled people and bring positivity to their lives by staying around. There is no room for frustration, as it can lead to a fractured and strained relationship. Last but not least, I would love to stay patient while dealing with people who have a traumatic brain injury or another similar complication. How will you develop professional partnerships with health care team members in your clinical practice? In my clinical practice, I would love to become a part of a group of experienced doctors and nurses. For this purpose, I will speak to the management and may request them to introduce me to the members of that group. I think that it is importan...
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